The Argus Plan

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I take my hands off Ruby cheeks with a few tears running escaping her eyes. I place my hand on her shoulder which makes her latch onto my chest.

Y/N: "Your mother was a good woman. She also loved you very much, she'd give everything she had to make sure you were safe."

Ruby just cries while tightening her grip on me. I return her hug and just let her cry. After a few minutes she lets go and wipes away her tears.

Ruby: "Thank you, thank you for being here."

Y/N: "I'll always be here. Now come on, the others must be worrying about us."

Ruby: "Right. Recall."

I'm pulled into my ring and we head to the living room to see the others leaving. We follow them and arrive at a military base. 

Yang: "Just hear us out."

Soldier: "Our orders clearly say no travel is allowed between Mistral and Atlas."

Soldier2: "So have a good day."

Yang: "But-"

Soldiers: "A good day."

Qrow: "Listen, we have Weiss Schnee with us. We just wanna make sure she gets home safely."

Solider: "Step forward."

Weiss does so and is looked at from head to toe.

Soldier: "Wait here,"

Soldier: "And we'll go fetch our commanding officer."

They leave and later come back with a woman similar to Maria in both height and age.

Maria: "Hello Cordo."

Cordo: "I see you've chosen to smuggle larger contraband this time."

Maria: "I see you've still got that stick right up-"

Ruby: "Ahem. Miss Cordo, my name's Ruby Rose and I was just wondering if you could hear us-"

Cordo: "Like I told your friends, no. You citizens are incapable of getting the mission here at Argus, so let me say this in a way that even you can understand. This base, that tower and the safety of Argus are gifts from the great Kingdom of Atlas. And it is my duty to uphold them for only I am capable of doing so."

Maria: "Or Atlas wanted you as far away from the kingdom as possible."

Cordo: "You're no different than these Argus imbeciles. This place wouldn't even exist if not for Atlas. And what do we get as thanks? The world ready to stab us in the back."

Ruby: "We know your kingdom had nothing to do with the fall of Beacon."

Weiss: "We know Ironwood's scared. All we have to do is just talk-"

Cordo: "The General is no coward. If the world is ready to go to war with Atlas then let them for Atlas will win." *sigh* "If Miss Schnee is ready to return home then the Atlas military will personally escort her back. But the kingdom will not be held accountable for her 'friends' of questionable character."

Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Cordo: "It means we're done here."

She heads back into her fort while we head back to the house and Qrow goes out drinking. Later that night he returns and tries to head upstairs but only gets so far.

Ruby: "Where do you think you're going?"

Qrow: "Does that even matter?"

Ruby: "It wouldn't kill you to spend some time with us."

Qrow: "I'm glad you're all happy but the fact still stands, we're nowhere near Atlas."

Jaune: "I might actually have an idea. But once it's done, there's no taking it back."

Ruby: "Let's hear it."

Jaune: "Leaving for Solitas is impossible with Cordo on watch. So... I suppose we steal an Atlas airship."

Weiss: "That's so much worse than breaking the law."

Yang: "How would we even get onto the airfield?"

Jaune: "That I haven't figured out. But I'm sure-"

Qrow: "Enough. If we do this and fail it'll be us against the Atlas military. So for your safety just drop it."

Ruby: "No."

Qrow: "What?"

Ruby: "We're going to do this. I know you're scared but this is the best bet we've got. You may not think we can do this but we've done things this dangerous before and succeeded. We succeeded because we worked together, as a team. If we want this to work all of us will need to work together, now are you with us or not?'

Qrow freezes before sighing and nodding.

Ruby: "Good. Alright, now let's come up with a game plan."

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