School Days Pt 2

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Oobleck: "What we call the Faunus Rights Revolution was more commonly known as the Faunus War. Humans were quite adamant about putting the Faunus population near the center of Menagerie. I know this must sound like ancient history to you, but it is important to known that these are actually pretty recent. The repercussions of these actions can be felt even to this day. Have any among you been looked down or judged because of your Faunus heritage?"

Oobleck: "That is simply dreadful. It is this kind of bigotry that gives birth to violence. On another note, which of you can tell me what many people believe to be the turning point of the war between the Humans and the Faunus?"

Weiss: "The battle at Fort Morgan."

Oobleck: "Correct. And who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune and his forces?"

Jaune: "Hey."

Oobleck: "Mr. Arc, what is the answer?"

We all look at him which makes him nervous. 

Jaune: "Binoculars?"

Oobleck: "Very funny. Cardin, perhaps you can give us a serious answer?"

Cardin: "It's far easier to train an animal rather than a soldier."

Y/N: *through ring* "Watch it Winchester."

Pyrrha: "I have the answer Oobleck. The correct answer is night vision. The Faunus are famously known to have nearly perfect sight in the dark."

Blake: "General Lagune was greatly inexperienced and because of this he made the mistake of trying to take the Faunus when they had the advantage. Perhaps if he had payed attention in class then he wouldn't have been remembered as an Idiot."

Y/N: "Like some people."

The class laughs which makes Cardin get angry. Jaune laughs at this and unfairly gets roped in into having to do extra reading assignments. When we leave class I see Cardin shove Jaune to the ground which makes me angry.

Y/N: "Hey Ruby."

Ruby: "Yes?"

Y/N: "Mind if I hang with Pyrrha for a while?"

Ruby: "Sure but there a reason?"

Y/N: "Just wanting to check on something."

Ruby nods and stops Pyrrha; she hands her my ring and she slips it on. I then head with her to talk with Jaune. We go to the rooftop where I hear them talking.

Jaune: "What are we doing up here?"

Pyrrha: "I know you're having a hard time Jaune, and you're struggling in class. Which is why I want to help you."

Jaune: "What?"

Pyrrha: "We can train here once classes are over that way no one can interrupt us."

Jaune: "You think I need help?"

Pyrrha: "Huh? No. That's not what I meant to say."

Jaune: "But you did."

Pyrrha: "All I'm trying to say is that everyone needs a little push every now and then. That doesn't mean you're any worse than us. You made it to Beacon, that already tells me what you can do."

Jaune: "You're wrong... I don't belong here."

Pyrrha: "Why would you say that? Of course you do."

Jaune: "No I don't!" *sigh* "I didn't get accepted into Beacon."

Pyrrha: "What are you saying?"

Jaune: "I didn't go to combat school, I never took any of the tests, I just didn't earn my spot here. I lied. I managed to get ahold of fake transcripts and I cheated my way into the academy."

Pyrrha: "What? But why?"

Jaune: "Because my goal was to be the hero. My father, his father and my great grandfather were all heroes. I wanted to be a hero too, I just wasn't good enough."

Pyrrha: "Then allow me to help you."

Jaune: "But I don't want help! If I can't become a hero on my own then what good am I!?"

Pyrrh tries to touch him but he just backs away.

Jaune: "Just, leave me alone."

Pyrrha: "If that's what you need."

Y/N: *telepathically* "Pyrrha."

Pyrrha: *in head* "Yes?"

Y/N: "Slip me into his pocket so I can be with him. Just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Pyrrha: "Thank you."

Jaune turns around which allows Pyrrha to discreetly place my ring into his front left pocket. She walks away, I hear Jaune sigh then the voice of a person I want to hit the most.

Cardin: "So you lied and sneaked into Beacon?"

Jaune: "Cardin?"

Cardin: "Couldn't help but overhear the truth bomb you dropped. I have to say, I never would have thought you were such a rebellious person."

Jaune: "Please Cardin, don't say anything."

Cardin: "Relax, I'd never rat out a friend."

Jaune: "Friend?"

Cardin: "Of course. And by the looks of it if you're there for me, we'll always be friends. Although having said that I realize I don't have time for those extra readings Oobleck assigned to us. Think you can help a friend out?"

Jaune: "I-"

Cardin: "Good. See you later 'friend."

Jaune sighs again then starts walking away. I hear a door close and after a few minutes I feel the pants hit the floor. I wait a couple of minutes then focus my mind. Soon a mouse scurries to me and picks up my ring. It carries me to Pyrrha's bed then squeaks just loud enough to wake only her then runs off. Her eyes open and she spots my ring then slips it on.

Pyrrha: *in head* "How is he?"

Y/N: *telepathically* "Not good."

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