Ozpin's Past

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Yang: "This is just wonderful. We're down a third of our party, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere and we got a useless old lady."

Maria: "My name is Maria Calavera and I'm not useless. I'm just blind with out my eyes which are in desperate need of repair. Okay I see your point."

Qrow: "Enough Yang. We need to stay calm. If we're not then we'll attract more Grimm."

Blake: "Why bother? We've been doing that ever since we left Haven."

Yang: "Yeah, what happened to no more lies?"

Ozpin: "I didn't lie."

Weiss: "You weren't honest either."

Ozpin: "Yes it's true. The Grimm are attracted to the relic. If I had to guess it might have something to do with their origins. Either way I feared if I told you it would only scare you. I thought it was the safer option."

Yang: "Is that why you lied about Lionheart?"

Ozpin: "Yes actually. I believed Mistral deserved to remember Lionheart as the man for his life long service. Rather than the missteps he made in his last few years."

Yang: "Missteps?"

Ozpin: "What he did was bad, I'm not going to argue. But does one mistake cancel out all the good one has done? Do we not all make mistakes?"

Yang: "We're a team, we won't betray you."

Ozpin: "Do you really think Lionheart was the first!?! That he didn't say those same words to me? You have to understand, my decisions are made through experience. That's not saying I think you'll betray me, it's just there's reasons for what I do, the things I keep hidden, the reason I- wait, where's the relic?"

Ruby: *shows relic* "Right here. It got knocked around in the crash."

Ozpin: "Please, give it to me."

Blake: "You said it was useless, why should you be the one to hold it."

Ozpin: "I just feel as though it's my burden to bear. So-"

He freezes and we hear Oscar's voice.

Oscar: "Jinn, say her name to summon her. Hurry, he's trying to stop you."

Ruby: "Jinn."

The snow stops in mid air as a blue mist comes out of the lamp. The mist then forms into a woman with blue skin.

Jinn: "I am Jinn. What knowledge do you seek?"

Ruby: "What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

The world changes and we are told a story. Ozpin once rescued Salem from a tower and they fell in love. However Ozpin died which made Salem go to the brother gods. After deceiving both of them Salem was made immortal and the only person on Remnant. After some time Ozpin was resurrected with the goal of redeeming humanity and killing Salem.

Upon meeting again they fell back in love and started a family. When one of their daughters performed magic Ozpin got scared and told Salem everything. She proposed he abandon his goal and rule with her. He refused and after getting caught trying to take their daughters away he and Salem fought. 

The end result was Ozpin and his kids dieing and Salem fleeing to the shadows to plot and scheme. Multiple lives later Ozpin sought Jinn's help and asked her how to kill Salem. Her only response was that Salem can't be killed. We return to the Remnant and I feel a new level of hatred for Salem.

Y/N: *in head* "She killed Summer. Salem, if we ever meet I'll kill you."

I snap out of my thoughts to see everyone yelling at Ozpin. I stand in front of them and stop them from yelling.

Y/N: "Enough. Now listen up, it's getting late and all of you are pouring negativity. I want all of you to gather your bags; I saw a trail over there and trails always lead somewhere."

I begin walking away when I look over my shoulder to see everyone still angerly looking at Ozpin.

Y/N: "Now."

They collect their bags and follow me down the trail. Along the way Ozpin walks alongside me.

Ozpin: "Thank you."

Y/N: "Don't get the wrong idea. I'm still mad at you."

Ozpin: "Why you?"

Y/N: "Because you know the woman who killed Summer."

Ozpin: "I-"

Y/N: "It was my duty to watch over her, but I failed that. Now my job is to watch over her daughter. Be warned Ozpin, should anything happen to her then Salem won't be the one you have to fear killing you."

I walk a little faster until I match pace with Ruby.

Y/N: "You okay kid?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

Y/N: "Okay, if there's anything wrong just let me know."

Ruby: *smiles* "Will do."

I match her smile when I hear something. I run to it and see that it's a gate.

The Protectorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें