Beacon Pt 2

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The bow girl smiles then walks off. I am called back into my ring where I see Ruby talking to Michael Pukeson.

MP: "Hey... I'm Jaune."

We start walking and just talk.

Jaune: "All I'm trying to say is that motion sickness is a worse condition than most people think."

Y/N: *through ring* "My bad, it's just Michael Pukeson was the first thing that came to mind."

Jaune: "Who said that?"

Y/N: "Me."

Ruby puts her hand forward and shows Jaune my ring.

Y/N: "Hi."

Jaune: "Uh... why is your ring talking?"

Ruby: "This is Y/N."

Jaune: "Your ring has a name?"

Ruby: "Y/N is the person within the ring. His job is to watch over me."

Jaune: "Ah."

Ruby: "So... I got this thing."

She deploys Crescent Rose which amazes Jaune.

Jaune: "Is that a scythe?"

Y/N: "It's also a gun."

Jaune: "That's cool."

Ruby: "What've you go?"

Jaune: "A sword and shield."

Y/N: "Do they do anything?"

Jaune: "The shield shrinks, that way I can just put it away whenever I get tired."

Ruby: "Wouldn't the weight be the same?"

Jaune: "Yeah, it is."

Ruby: "So where are we going?"

Jaune: "I don't know, I thought you were leading."

Y/N: "Allow me."

I whistle which makes a hummingbird fly to us. It then chirps and begins flying away.

Y/N: "She said she'll lead us to the other students."

Jaune: "Hold on, you can speak to birds?"

Ruby: "Not just birds but other animals. That's just one of the powers he has."

They follow after the hummingbird and arrive at a auditorium. 

Yang: "Ruby! Over here!"

Ruby: "Gotta go, see you after the ceremony."

Ruby runs away and joins Yang's side.

Yang: "How's your first day going?"

Y/N: *through ring* "You mean since you left her?"

Yang: "Yikes, overdramatic much?"

Ruby: "He's not being overdramatic. You left me and I fell onto some crabby girl's luggage. I said I was sorry but she just yelled at me. I got scared and just wanted her to stop."

Schnee: "You."

Ruby: "Eeep!"

Schnee: "You're lucky none of my luggage was damaged."

Yang: "Huh, looks like you were right."

Ruby: "I said I was sorry."

Y/N: "Unless you want trouble I suggest you leave Ruby alone."

Schnee: "Where'd that voice come from?"

Y/N: "From this ring. Now heed my words, if you yell at Ruby or make her sad again I will come out of this ring and make sure you never speak again."

The Schnee's eyes widen and she walks away without saying a word.

Ruby: "Was the threat of violence necessary?"

Y/N: "My job is to protect you. Plus it got her to go away didn't it?"

Yang: "He's got a point."

Ozpin: "Good evening students. I'll keep this as short as possible. You have come to this school in search for knowledge. To hone and perfect your skills. But when I look at you I see nothing but wasted potential. During your time here you will come to find out that knowledge can only get you so far."

Glynda: "You will all sleep in the ballroom tonight. Be sure to be well rested for tomorrow is your initiation."

Ruby: "Emerge."

I appear and see everyone in their sleepwear. I sit down and see Ruby take off my ring, place it near her and begin writing.

Y/N: "Whatcha writing?"

Ruby: "A letter to the gang."

Yang: "That's so cuuuuuute."

I grab a pillow and hit Yang in the face with it. 

Ruby: "Shut up. I didn't get to take my friends with me."

Y/N: "Hey."

Ruby: "Aside from you. It's just weird not knowing anyone here."

Y/N: "What about that Jaune kid?"

Yang: "Yeah, he's... nice."

Ruby: "Maybe. Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Yes?"

Ruby: "Can you take a picture? I wanna have a keepsake of this moment."

Y/N: "Sure."

Ruby hands me her scroll and sits next to Yang. I look at the scroll and audibly groan.

Yang: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just give me a moment."

I tilt the scroll and pull it apart. 

Y/N: "Alright, now where's the camera? Is this it? No."

I continue to press buttons all while Yang and Ruby laugh their head off. I press another button which makes the scroll beep.

Y/N: "Ahh! Why did scrolls have to evolve!? Why couldn't they just stick with just calls!?"

Ruby: "Here, let me help you."

She takes the scroll away and easily manages it. She then hands it back to me.

Ruby: "Just press the red button."

She gets back into place and I get ready.

Y/N: "Say Beacon!"

Ruby, Yang: "Beacon!"

I press the red button and hear a snap sound. I hand Ruby the scroll and she begins quickly tapping buttons while Yang sits next to me.

Yang: *smiles* "Saw you had some trouble."

Y/N: "I'm just not machine compatible. If the phone was a Grimm then there wouldn't be an issue."

Yang: *laughing* "You're such an old man."

 Y/N: "Shut up Yang."

She continues to laugh at my expense when I remember something.

Y/N: "You know, if I remember correctly you never once beat me in combat. What's the score now? Two hundred to zero?"

Yang: "Shut up."

Y/N: "That's what I thought."

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