Library Fun And Transfers

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The second semester of school arrives and Ruby is spending the remaining free day in the library playing Remnant the game. I look at her hand and think of ways she can win.

Ruby: "Prepare yourself for war Yang!"

Yang: "I'm always prepared!"

Ruby: "I use my Atlesian Air Fleet card!"

Yang: *gasp*

Ruby: "With this card I can fly right over your troops and attack your walls!"

Yang: "You devil!"

Ruby: "As a bonus of Atlas being part of Mantle, I only have to wait one turn for my repairs to be complete."

Yang: "Sneaky, but I'm using my trap card! Giant Nevermore! If I roll seven or higher, Nevermore feathers will destroy your fleet."

Ruby: "But if you roll six or lower, the Nevermore will turn and attack you instead."

Yang: "I'm willing to take that chance."

Yang rolls the dice and scores a ten.

Yang: "Yes!!"

Ruby: "Noooooo! All my forces!! You will be avenged."

Yang: "Only after I draw my rewards which are doubled because of trade routes."

Ruby: "Boo."

Yang: "Oho!? The smugglers of Wind Path!?"

Ruby: "Boo, boo I say."

Yang: "That means two of your cards are now mine."

Ruby: "Noooooo...."

Yang: "Your turn Weiss."

Weiss: "I... don't know what to do."

Yang: "It's simple. You play as Vacuo which means all cards pertaining to Vacuo are yours."

Weiss: "That sounds stupid."

Yang: "Look... you got sandstorm, desert scavenge, and oh, the best card, resourceful raider. This card allows you to gather Ruby's destroyed fleet,"

Ruby: "Waaaaaaa..."

Yang: "And make it your own."

Weiss: "So?"

Yang: "And since Vacuo warriors are resistant to natural hazards, you can use sandstorm to both take out my ground forces and invade my kingdom. But know that if you do this will not be forgotten."

Weiss: "And all that means?"

Ruby: *weeping* "You can conquer Remnant in the next three moves!"

Weiss: *laughs evilly* "Yes, fear the might of my warriors. Grovel as they ransack your homes and sob as they steal your children-"

Yang: "Trap card."

Weiss: "Huh?"

Yang: "All of your forces have been wiped out."

Weiss: "Why we must we play with our emotions!?"

Ruby: *hugs her* "Stay brave, we'll make it through this together."

Weiss: *returns hug* "Be quiet! No touching!"

I laugh at their comradery when that monkey walks to us with a dude with blue hair by his side.

Ruby: "Hello Sun."

Sun: "Ruby, Blake, Yang, Ice Queen."

Weiss: "Why do you guys always call me that!?"

Sun: "I never got to introduce you to my friend Neptune."

Neptune: "Aren't you supposed to read in libraries?"

Ren: "Thank you!"

Sun: "Don't be a dork."

Neptune: "Intellectual thank you very much."

Weiss: "So, where you from Neptune?"

Neptune: "Haven, and I don't believe I know your name snow angel."

Weiss: "I'm Weiss."

Neptune: "Nice to meet you."

Sun: "I never knew you played board games."

Blake: "I done actually, see you later."

She walks back to our dorm while the rest of of us continue to play the game. When night hits we head back to the dorm where we see Blake about to leave but get stopped by Weiss.

Weiss: "Lately you've been muted, non sociable and glum."

Yang: "Isn't she always like that?"

Weiss: "Which we get is your whole shtick, but you've been doing it more often recently. And that is just not acceptable. You promised us that you would tell us if something was wrong. So I ask you, what's wrong?"

Blake: "How can you all be so calm?"

Ruby: "This about Torchwick?"

Blake: "Him, the White Fang and everything about them. Something is coming and we're doing nothing to stop it."

Yang: "We were told to not worry. I'm sure with everyone from the police to Huntsmen and Huntresses on the case, it'll all be taken care of."

Blake: "Well I'm not. They don't know the Fang like I do."

Weiss: "Okay, we hear you. While I'm sure the three of you are ready to fight, let me be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready for something like this."

Blake: "And odds are we never will be! Our enemies aren't going to wait, they'll just continue what they're doing."

Ruby: "Then all in favor of taking down a crime ring plotting against the kingdom, say aye."

Y/N: *through ring* "Aye."

Yang: "Aw yeah! Time for some action!"

Weiss: "It does seem fun."

Blake: "We're in this together."

Y/N: "Then let's make a plan."

Ruby: "I forgot my board game!"

Weiss: "We're doomed."

Ruby bursts out of the room down the hall but bumps into someone. 

Ruby: "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Girl: "I'm fine. Just watch where you're going."

Ruby is helped to her feet and we are able to get a look at the two new people.

Ruby: "I'm Ruby. Are you... new?"

Girl2: *walks to us* "Visiting from Haven, actually."

Ruby: "Then you must be here for the festival."

Y/N: "But you're in the wrong dorm."

They eyes trail down and Ruby shows my ring.

Y/N: "Dorm for Transfers are on the other side of the campus."

Boy: "A talking ring."

Girl: "There's something you never see."

Girl2: "Thanks for the heads up. We'll be leaving now."

They walk away and we head to collect the board game. 

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