Initiation Pt 1

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The next morning Ruby slips on my ring and I find ourselves in a locker room. I hear voices and see two people walking past us while talking.

Ruby: "Wonder what's got them so fired up."

Yang: "Who knows. You seem awfully chipper today."

Ruby: "Yep. No more small talk or awkward stuff. Today is the day I let my baby do all the talking."

Y/N: *through ring* "Just remember you're not the only one doing initiation today."

Ruby: "I know."

Yang: "If you want to grow up you'll need to meet new people and work with them."

Ruby: "I don't need people to grow up. I drink milk."

Y/N: "Still as innocent as ever."

Yang: "What about when teams are made?"

Ruby: "I don't know. I'll always have Y/N, so I'll just be on a team with you."

Yang: "Maybe not?"

Y/N: "Uh oh."

Ruby: "My dear sister, are you implying don't want to be on a team with me?"

Yang: "What? No. I just thought being on a different team would help you break your shell."

Ruby: "That's ridiculous."

Glynda: *on speaker* "Will everyone attending initiation pleas head to Beacon Cliff."

Ruby walks out to the cliff where I spot Ozpin and Glynda standing near the cliff edge.

Ozpin: "You have trained for years for this moment. Today your skills and abilities will be put to the test in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda: "I'm sure some of you have heard rumors on teammates and might be confused. Let me end that by saying they are true. All of you will be given teammates today."

Ruby: "What?"

Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you between now and graduation. So it is for the best that you pick someone you can get along with. Although with that being said, the first person you see upon landing will be your teammate for the entire time you are here."

Ruby: "What!?!"

Ozpin: "Once you have a partner head North. You will be graded throughout the entire initiation but the instructors will not intervene. When you reach the North end of the forest you will find a temple holding several relics. Each pair is to gather one relic and return here. We'll regard the relic you have collected as well as your standing and give you the appropriate grade. Any questions?"

Jaune: "Sir?"

Ozpin: "Good, now take your positions."

Ruby is launched into the forest and soars through the air. She deploys Crescent Rose and slams her blade into a branch. She swings around in a loop before dismounting and doing a nice flip. She then takes off running while saying the same thing.

Ruby: "Gotta find Yang. Yaaaang! Ugh this is bad."

Y/N: "How so?"

Ruby: "What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?"

Y/N: "There's always Jaune."

Ruby: "He's nice... but I don't think he can fight well."

Y/N: "What about that girl with the bow?"

Ruby: "Nice option but she looks like she doesn't speak much."

Ruby comes stop and we see the Schnee in front of us. Without saying a word she turns around and walks the other way.

Ruby: "Wait! Where're you going!? We're supposed to be teammates."

Soon the Schnee comes back and already starts griping.

Schnee: "By no means do this make us friends."

Ruby: "You came back!"

We get a good distances into the woods when Ruby speaks again.

Ruby: "What's the hurry?"

Schnee: "I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow. I swear, if I get a bad grade because of your-"

Ruby uses her speed to quickly get in front of the Schnee which confuses her.

Schnee: "What the!?"

Ruby: "I'm not slow see? You don't have to worry about me."

Schnee: "When did-"

Y/N: "Listen Schnee, just because Ruby has less than perfect social skills doesn't mean she's a bad fighter. Before she even started school she was training in order to wear this ring. If she hadn't then she would have gone insane and her body would have broken itself due to the sheer weight of my power. So before you go writing her off, just wait until she pulls out her over tweaked scythe."

Ruby: "Yeah! What he said! Now come on, we need to get to the relics!"

She bursts into rose petals and quickly leaves the area.

Y/N: "Uh... Ruby."

Ruby: "Yes?"

Y/N: "You're forgetting the Schnee."

Ruby: "Oh sugar cookies!"

She stops and bolts the other way back to the Schnee. When we arrive we see her completely surrounded by Beowolves. Ruby swings Crescent Rose and cuts a Beowolf in half. I look behind us to see the Schnee swing her rapier away from us and send a wave of fire towards a tree.

Y/N: "Look out!"

She turns around and gets hit by a Beowolf's claws. She gets slammed into the Schnee who just gets annoyed. Ruby cocks Crescent Rose and readies for the fight when I see the fire the Schnee made spreading. 

Y/N: "No time to fight, run."

Ruby: "Why?"

Y/N: "Fire."

She looks forward and spots the growing blaze.

Ruby: "Right, time to go."

Her and Weiss run right and escape both the blaze and the Beowolves.

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