Paladin Fight

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Ruby chases after Penny and as she rounds a corner she slices a leg of a wooden scaffolding. The crates fall down and slow down the soldiers following us. Ruby bursts into rose petals and carries Penny out of the area. But for some reason Ruby gets tired and lets go. This causes her to tumble out of the alley and onto the round.

I hear a horn blaring making me look forward to see a truck. I summon myself and hold out my hands when we are pushed out of the way by Penny. Penny repeats what I did and makes the trucks come to a complete stop. A crowd begins to form which makes Penny run into an alley with us chasing after her.

Ruby: "Penny, what's going on? Why are you running? How did you do that!?"

Penny: "I can't. Everything's fine. I-I don't wanna talk about it."

Y/N: "Penny, you can tell us whatever is going on."

Penny: "No, you wouldn't understand."

Ruby: "Then help us understand."

Penny: "You guys are my friends right? You promise you are?"

Ruby: "We promise."

Penny: "I'm... not a real girl."

She shows us her hands which have split open exposing metal.

Ruby: "I don't understand."

Penny: "Most girls are born, I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. I'm not real."

Ruby: "Of course you are. Just because you have gears instead of guts doesn't make you any less real than me."

Penny: "You are taking this extraordinarily well."

Y/N: "You're nothing like what we saw back there."

Ruby: "Yeah, you have a heart and a soul."

Penny: *hugs her* "Oh, you are the best friend anyone could have."

Ruby: "I can see why your father is so protective over you."

Penny: "He's really sweet. He's the one who built me. I'm sure you would love him."

Voice: "Check down there!"

Y/N: "We gotta go."

I pick Ruby up bridal style and jump to the top of a building. I look over the ledge and see Penny leave with the officers chasing after her. I set Ruby down when her scroll goes off.

Sun: "They got a robot, and it's big, really big!"

Ruby: "I'm not missing this."

We follow the sound of action and arrive under the highway where a Atlas Paladin lands in front of us. We jump back as Weiss creates a sheet of ice that Yang punches making a thick fog. Sensors emit from the Paladin and scan the area for us. I draw my gun and fire at the sensors taking them out. The Paladin goes to step on Blake but I send out a chain and pull her to safety.

The Paladin launches rockets which makes me withdraw my sword. I rush forward and cut one missile in half. I aim my gun and fire taking out another one. I swing my sword sideways and destroy three missiles. I look left and see Ruby get kicked away by the Paladin. I grit my teeth and run towards the Paladin; I swing my sword upwards cutting deep into its armor.

It goes to punch me but I sidestep and grab its arm. I lift the Paladin up and slam it down on the ground. It gets up when I run to it and swing my sword severing its left arm. I then fire my gun with each bullet pushing it backwards. Yang backs me up by jumping onto the Paladin's back and continuously punching it.

The Paladin jumps backwards and slams Yang through two pillars. It reels back its fist and punches her through the third one. Yang stands up and catches the Paladin's fist. Her semblance then activates and she destroys the arm in one punch. The Paladin kicks her back and past us; Blake tosses her weapon which Yang catches and is spun around.

Yang goes to punch the Paladin but it jumps back. I place my hands on the ground and summon chains from under the Paladin. The chains wrap around it and tighten keeping it to the ground. Yang is spun around again and finally hits the Paladin destroying it. Roman tumbles out and dusts himself off.

Roman: "I just got this cleaned."

Yang fires her gauntlet at Roman but it is blocked by a girl with a parasol."

Roman: "Ladies, gentleman, a pleasure. Neo?"

She bows which makes me fire my gun at them. They shatter like glass and are nowhere to be seen. I look right and see them flying away in a bullhead. I scoff, holster my weapons and walk to the others. I get recalled back into my ring and am taken to Beacon. Ruby gets settled in bed but winces when she flips onto her left side.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Ruby: "Yeah, ribs are just a little sore."

Y/N: "You need to be more careful."

Ruby: "Still as protective as ever."

Y/N: "That's my job."

Ruby: *giggles* "I know, goodnight Y/N."

Y/N: "Good night Ruby."

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