Vale Docks

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Y/N: *through ring* "You okay?"

Girl: "I'm wonderful, thanks for asking."

Yang: "You wanna get up?"

Girl: "Yes." *jumps to feet* "My name is Penny, it is nice to meet you."

Ruby: "Hi, I'm Ruby." *shows ring* "This is Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey."

Weiss: "I'm Weiss."

Blake: "Blake."

Yang: "Did you hit your head?"

Y/N: "A little assistance Blake?"

Blake hits Yang for me.

Yang: "I'm Yang."

Weiss: "I apologize for bumping into you."

Ruby: "Take care friend."

We begin walking when I hear Yang speak.

Yang: "She was.. off."

Y/N: "Yang, don't make me hit you myself."

Penny: "What did you say?"

Y/N: "What the what?"

Yang: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to hear me."

Penny: "Not you." *walks to us* "You."

Ruby: "Me?"

Penny: "You called me friend. Did you mean that?"

Ruby: "Uhhhhh.... sure."

I see the others fall over while Penny's eyes light up with joy. She then picks us up and begins spinning around.

Penny: "Sensational! I can't wait to do the things we girls normally do with friends!"

She sets us down and I somehow lose my lunch in my ring.

Ruby: "Is this what I was like?"

Weiss: "No, she's far less scatterbrained."

Yang: "So what brings you to Vale Penny?"

Penny: "I'm here for the tournament."

Weiss: "If that's the case then do you know that monkey tailed rapscallion?"

Penny: "Who?"

Weiss: "The dirty Faunus from the boat."

Blake: "Stop that."

Weiss: "What?"

Blake: "Stop calling him all these names, he's a person."

Weiss: "I'd hardly call a law breaker a person."

Blake: "You little brat!"

When we return to Beacon Weiss and Blake are still arguing.

Weiss: "The White Fang are nothing but liars, killers, and thieves!"

Blake: "Well maybe we're just tried of the mistreatment!"

She realizes what she said and runs out of the room. I sigh and just meditate until sunrise. Come Sunday we find ourselves back in Vale searching for Blake.

Ruby: "She's been gone all weekend."

Weiss: "She's a big girl, I'm sure she'll handle herself."

Yang: "Come one Weiss. She's our teammate."

Weiss: "Is she? We heard what she said."

Y/N: *through ring* "We need to hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions."

We continue to search some more until it gets to be the afternoon.

Yang: "Blaaaake!"

Ruby: "Blaaaak! Where are yooooou!?"

Weiss: *halfheartedly* "Blake."

Ruby: "You're not helping Weiss."

Weiss: "I know who can help, the police."

Y/N: "Still crabby as ever."

Penny: "I think she's wonderful."

We look behind us and see Penny.

Penny: "What're you guys doing?"

Y/N: "Searching for Blake."

Penny: "Oh no, where is she?"

Ruby: "We don't know."

Penny: "Well don't worry friend Ruby, I'll help you find her."

Ruby: "Gee, that's really nice but we got it covered, right guys?"

We look and see them already gone. Penny helps Ruby search until night takes the sky. 

Y/N: "It's getting late."

Ruby: "Guess we'll have to search some more tomorrow after school."

As she finishes that sentence an explosion goes off and we figure that was probably Blake. We run to it and find her and that monkey fighting White Fang. 

Ruby: "Emerge."

Y/N: "I'll go down there, you cover me."

Ruby: "Got it."

I jump down and run to the White Fang barehanded. I slide between the legs of one member and uppercut another. I grab a fist and slide under the owner making them flip onto their face. I flip to my feet and duck under a staff. I grab the staff and swing the person holding it around knocking the members around me to the floor. I twist to the side and gut punch another White Fang member. 

Several people run at me with swords out. I jump up which makes them collide with each other. I land on my feet and hear a gunshot. I look at it and see Ruby falling off the building. I run and catch her then gently set her down. I look at her assailant and see that it's none other than Roman Torchwick. I clench my fists and run to him. I deliver a gut punch which makes him lean forward. I grab his head and slam his face on my knee. 

He aims his cane at me and pulls the trigger. I block the shot with my hand and punch him in his jaw. He tumbles to a stop when I look to see an airship trying to take off with a shipping container of Dust. I grab ahold of the shipping container and use my strength to keep the airship from taking off.

Y/N: "You're not leaving with this."

The airship cranks its engines to the max and I slide forward slightly. I increase my strength and begin pulling the airship backwards. I yank the shipping container free and watch the airship spiral trying to right itself. It flies away which makes me set the container down. I walk back to Ruby and look her over. I look at her face and see a slight burn mark.

Y/N: "You're hurt."

Ruby: *feels burn mark* "It's small I'll be fine."

Y/N: "It could get infected."

Ruby: *smiles and grabs hand* "I know you're worried about me. But you have to realize that eventually I'm going to get the occasional bump and scratch. Your job is to protect me, but if you continue to shield me from every little thing then I'll never learn to stand up for myself in the event you're unavailable."

Y/N: *sigh* "I'm sorry, I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Ruby: "I know, but as long as you're by my side, I'll always be safe."


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