Return Of The Wizard

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Once Qrow is fully healed up we make our way to the academy where we find it all too quiet. 

Ruby: "Hello?"

Ren: "I don't think anyone's here."

Jaune: "Maybe school isn't in session."

Qrow: "This isn't right. Come on."

We reach a set of doors that Qrow kicks open. The others get scared as an old lion Faunus falls to the ground.

Ruby: "Professor Lionheart?"

Lionheart: "Qrow! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"

Qrow: "Me? Why weren't you at the entrance waiting for us?"'

Lionheart: "Oh right, forgive me. Time seems to have slipped past me."

Nora: "Where is everyone?"

Lionheart: "You must be the students Qrow told me about."

Ruby: "Yep, I'm Ruby Rose. And this is Jaune Arc, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie." *shows ring*

Y/N: *through ring* "And I'm Y/N L/N."

Lionheart: "Nice to meet you. I'm Leonardo Lionheart. I'm afraid the majority of my staff is out until classes continue."

Qrow: "What!? Then who's guarding the relic!?"

Lionheart: "The children."

Qrow: "Already know. I filled them in."

Lionheart: "Filled them in? Please, come in."

We head inside his office where he and Qrow start talking.

Lionheart: "This is very reckless even by your standards Qrow."

Qrow: "No, reckless is leaving the relic unguarded and not reporting to Ozpin."

Lionheart: "There wasn't anything to report since Beacon's fall. But since then Mistral's been falling apart. Vale wasn't the only one to suffer that day. Everyone in every kingdom saw that girl get ripped apart, Grimm invade the city, Atlas robots attacking innocents and then nothing. You could practically feel the dread. Mistral has the widest reaching territory in all of Remnant which makes it infinitely harder to keep safe. We've lost so many people with some being teachers from this very school, and it's only getting worse."

Ruby: "What does that mean?"

Lionheart: "The Grimm may have been killed but Atlas is still bickering with Mistral representatives. And we still don't even know where to find the Spring Maiden."

Qrow: "Even more reason why we need Huntsmen here. "

Ruby: "We get it, things are bad. But we'll figure it out, why is Spring important?"

Lionheart: "Because only she can open the vault holding the relic under the school."

Ren: "What happened to her?"

Lionheart: "She ran away. The weight of her responsibilities was too much so she fled. She left everyone and has been missing for ten years. And we have no idea where to even start looking."

Qrow: "I might have an idea of where."

He pulls out his scroll and displays a map of Remnant. 

Qrow: "I did some digging and found that Spring was picked up by the Branwen tribe after she ran away." 

He taps a few buttons and a section of Mistral is zoomed in on.

Qrow: "Right about here is where they've set up their main camp."

Lionheart: "I've got to hand it to you Qrow, this is most helpful. With all this information we can mount a force to get her in a few weeks."

Qrow: "That's not good enough, we need to go as soon as possible."

Lionheart: "Mistral is broken. As soon as possible means as soon as I can convince the council that I need Huntsmen more than them. And I'm afraid bandits isn't good enough when war has a chance of breaking out."

Qrow: "Then screw the council. we'll do it ourselves."

Lionheart: "I'm afraid I'm not the Huntsman I once was. We need to make sure we can guarantee Spring's capture before we act."

Qrow: *sigh* "You know Oz wouldn't be happy is he was here."

Lionheart: "Maybe, but he's not. I'm doing the best I can."

Qrow: "Well, can't say this was a warm reunion."

Lionheart: "I'm sorry. I know you've all travsled a long way but I'll do whatever I can to help you."

Qrow: "Right, we'll be in the city in the meantime. Comms are still up so stay in touch. Come on kids."

We head back to the house where Ruby heads upstairs to read some comic books. I meditate when there is a commotion downstairs.

Ruby: "I only ask for a little quiet."

Y/N: *through ring* "I'm sure there's a reason."

Ruby: "I hope."

Ruby sets her comic book down and heads down the staircase.

Ruby: "What's going on!? Can I not read my comics in peace!?"

We look and see a farmhand.

Boy: "You... have silver eyes."

Y/N: "Who're you?"

Oscar: "My name's Oscar Pine but-"

Qrow: *drunk* "Wait for it."

Oscar: "You might know me better as professor Ozpin."

After he sits down the others gather around him while questioning him.

Qrow: "Not to break up whatever's going on but we have things to discuss. Mind showing your trick?"

Oscar lowers his head and upon lifting it up we hear Ozpin's voice.

Ozpin: "It is good to see you all again."

Jaune: "How're you here?"

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