The Truth

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I slam the dagger into the electric field and feel my entire body contract. The electricity crackles over my body while I scream in agony. I look to the heavens and see the lights in the room brighten before exploding. Smoke starts coming off my body as electrical burns start forming on my hands before spreading up my arms. I scream through the pain when the electric field flickers and finally goes out. I unsummon the dagger and punch the doors clean off their hinges.

I walk out of the room and see the Ace-Ops about to gang up on Penny. I activate my light and zip to them. I slam my foot into Elm's face while elbowing Vine's nose. I grab Harriet's and Marrow's head and slam them into each other. They all fall down and groan in pain. They see me and retreat. I look at the others and smile; however I gasp as I feel my heart stop and see the world go black.

3rd POV

Y/N falls onto the ground as the others rush to his side.

Ruby: "Y/N! What's wrong with him?"

Penny: *eyes shine* "His heart stopped. Administering CPR."

Penny places her hands on his chest and start pushing down. After a few pumps she opens his mouth and gives him mouth to mouth. She then looks at his heart to see it still not beating; she then repeats the cycle again.

Ruby: "Come on Y/N, wake up. Don't leave me."

Penny gives him mouth to mouth again an looks at his heart. She then sighs in relief while dimming her eyes.

Penny: "His heartrate's back, but it's slow. We need to get him somewhere safe so he can be treated for his other injuries."

Blake: "Where would we even go?"

Weiss: "I know a place."

Ruby: "Then let's go. Help me Penny."

Penny throws Y/N's arm around her and both her and Ruby carry Y/N back to May.

May: "All ready to- what happened to him?"

Ruby: "He was badly electrocuted. He needs help."

May: "Load him up and let's go."

They get into the airship and head to Weiss' house. Along the way Penny exists the airship and flies to Amity Colosseum. The airship finally arrives and the heroes enter the manor to be confronted by Whitley.

Whitley: "You've picked a fine time to-"

Weiss: "Shush. We're staying here."

Whitley: "Things are already bad enough and now you want to harbor fugitives?"

Ruby: "Look, our friend's hurt really bad. We only need a place to stay so he can be treated. After that we'll leave right away."

Whitely: "Fine, but what do you expect me to do?"

Weiss: "Go to your room."

Whitely sighs but goes to his room nonetheless. 

Weiss: "This way."

Weiss leads everyone to one of the many spare rooms. Ruby and Blake lay Y/N on the bed while Weiss leaves and comes back with a med kit. She takes out some bandages then begins wrapping Y/N's electric burns. Her and Blake then leave the room leaving Ruby to watch over Y/N. Ruby hangs her hand when Y/N groans and slowly opens his eyes.

Y/N: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Y/N! You're okay!"

Y/N: "What happened while I was out?"

Ruby: "After you brought down the electric field and dealt with the Ace-Ops your heart stopped. Penny was able to restart it and we brought you here so you could rest."

Y/N: "I see. Thanks kid."

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Ruby: "Earlier when we met Salem in Ironwood's office, she said something about you losing another one. She also said that she's meeting you again. What did she mean by that?"

Y/N: "It's not important."

Ruby: "No, I want to know." 

Y/N look at Ruby as her eyes widen.

Ruby: "She hand a hand in my mother's death. Didn't she?"

He hesitates before nodding his head. 

Ruby: "What happened?"

Y/N: "On our last mission we were sent to kill some Grimm, we succeeded and were getting ready to head home when some unknown person shot and injured your mother. I ran us to safety but that's when we met Salem. After backing us into a corner she made it known that she was after me and my power. Your mom recalled me into my ring and cast me over the cliff away from her. By the time I hit the forest floor it was too late, she had been killed."

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