Goof Day

380 4 0

A/N: This is more or less filler.


I meditate when I hear footsteps coming near me and my ring by put on.

Y/N: "Ruby."

Ruby: "Hey, are you doing anything today?"

Y/N: "Only if you're doing something."

Ruby: "Right, forgot."

Y/N: "Why?"

Ruby: "Well, since everyone is out doing their own thing and it's Saturday did you want to hang out?"

Y/N: "Of course. I don't have to just protect you."

Ruby: "Cool. Emerge."

Y/N: *appears* "So what do you wanna do?"

Ruby: "I heard the local arcade got remodeled, so how about going there?"

Y/N: "Sounds like a plan."

We exit Beacon, ride a bullhead to Vale and arrive at the local arcade. 

Y/N: "Wow! Arcades have really stepped up since I last been in one."

Ruby: "When was the last time you've been to an arcade?"

Y/N: "How old is Tai?"

Ruby: "Thirty eight."

Y/N: "Then it will have probably been when he was still in elementary school."

Ruby: *grabs hand and runs* "Then let me show you what all you missed!!!"

I pay for our tokens with the money I "lent" from Cardin and we walk around. Ruby runs and looks at easily the largest game here. I look up at the sign and tilt my head.

Y/N: "Grimm killer five hundred?"

Ruby: "Yeah, it's currently the most played game, everyone's playing it."

Y/N: "How do you play it?"

Ruby: "You need a VR set."

Y/N: "What's a VR?"

Ruby: "It's kinda hard to explain, you'll just have to see for yourself."

We pay the amount of tokens and are given what I assume is this so called VR. I look at Ruby to see her putting it over her eyes. I mimic her and somehow find myself not in the arcade but a forest.

Y/N: "How'd we get to a forest? Weren't we just in the arcade?"

Ruby: "This is where the game takes place."

I look at her and see her in some kind of armored suit.

Y/N: "What's with the suit?"

Ruby: "It's what our avatar looks like, you've got it too."

I look down and in fact see the same armored suit on me. Something is placed and my hands and it feels like a gun.

Y/N: "The weights all off and it's made of plastic. This is a poorly made gun."

Ruby: *laughs* "It's just the controller. It's what lets the game know you're pulling the trigger."

Y/N: "Why does it need to know that?"

Voice: "Round one."

Ruby: "Get ready."

I tilt my head and look forward to see a Beowolf in front of me. I scream and pull what feels like a trigger. Very fake blood shows and the Beowolf dies as plus ten is showed.

Ruby: "Alright ten points, keep it up."

I turn forward and repeat what I did quickly racking up tens. I smile and find this rather enjoyable. Suddenly a siren blares and the sky turns red.

Y/N: "Why'd the sky change colors?"

A screech is heard and we see a abnormally large Manticore land in front of us. It roars when red circles appear on its body.

Y/N: "What's with the circles?"

Ruby: "That's its weak spots. Shoot them!"

I fire at the red circles until the Manticore stands on its hind legs which is just theoretically impossible. A big red circle appears on its chest and I spam the trigger. The circle disappears and the Manticore dies as plus one thousand is shown.

Voice: "New high score."

I take off the headset and blink a few times to let my eyes get used to the sudden light. 

Y/N: "That. Was... awesome!!! Let's do that again!!!"

Ruby: "Sorry but we have to let other people have a turn."

Y/N: "Right, forgive me."

We walk away and look at some more machines until my eyes land on one that puts a smile on my face.

Y/N: "Now this game I know."

Ruby: "You good at skeeball?"

Y/N: *scoff* "Am I good? If there was a title for skeeball champion, I'd be it."

Ruby: *smug* "That's big talk."

Y/N: "Don't believe me? Observe."

I pop two tokens and the game begins. I grab the first ball and roll it easily getting it in the fifty points hole. I look at Ruby to see her look to the side and wave her hand dismissively.

Ruby: "That was just luck."

I grab the second ball and roll it while looking at Ruby. I look back and see my score go up one hundred points.

Ruby: "Double luck."

I crack my knuckles and roll the remainder of my balls scoring mostly one hundreds and fifties. I easily attain the high score and look back at Ruby to see her hang her head.

Ruby: "Okay, you're good."

Y/N: "Told you so."

We continue to play games and have a good time until we run out tokens and make our way back to Beacon. 

Ruby: "I had a lot of fun today Y/N."

Y/N: "It pleases me that you did."

Ruby: "Well." *stretches* "I'm going to go get shower then head to bed."

I nod and wait until she steps out. Ruby lays on the bed and covers up.

Ruby: "Good night Y/N."

Y/N: "Good night Ruby."

I turn off the room light and go patrol the school grounds.

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