The Dance

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Some days after our night with the Paladin I sit with Ruby in the ballroom.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth."

She slides two samples forward and there is literally no difference between the two.

Y/N: *through ring* "They're the same."

Weiss: "Why did I even ask?"

She walks away when Yang walks to us and sets a giant speaker down.

Yang: "You picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "What's the point?"

Y/N: "I think she's still bummed about Blake not wanting to go to the dance."

Yang: "Don't worry, she's going. Weiss! I thought we agreed, no dollies!"

Weiss: "If we don't have dollies, you don't have fog machines."

Neptune: "There's going to be fog machines?"

Weiss: "We were thinking about it."

Sun: "You ladies excited about dressing up?"

Ruby: "Yeah right."

Yang: "Laugh while you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night."

Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"

Sun: *point to clothes* "Uh... this."

Neptune: "Forgive him, he knows not what he says."

Sun: "I may have moved to Mistral but I'm Vacuo born. And that isn't exactly a shirt and tie place."

Y/N: "We've noticed."

Sun: "So uh... what does Blake think of all this? She still acting... you know... Blakey?"

Weiss: "Obviously."

Ruby: "I still can't think of a way to get her to change her mind."

Yang: "Relax everyone, for I have a plan."

The next day Ruby walks to the dance and upon entering she is surprised by Yang.

Yang: "You look beautiful."

Ruby: "How does Weiss fight in heels?"

Y/N: "Lots and lots of practice."

Ruby walks to the side of the dance where we are joined by Weiss and Yang.

Yang: "I told you she'd come."

Weiss: "Mission accomplished."

Ruby: "So... what do we do now?"

Yang: "Enjoy ourselves."

They walk away leaving Ruby and I alone. Ruby mumbles something about her heels which makes me smile.

Y/N: "Hey Ruby."

Ruby: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "Look forward and to the far left. See a table with a chocolate fountain on it?"

Ruby: "Yes."

Y/N: "I left a present for you under it."

Ruby walks to the table and upon lifting the cloth she practically beams with happiness seeing her boots. She quickly slips them on and sighs at the feeling of having them on again.

Y/N: "Better?"

Ruby: "Very."

She walks back to the dance where we see Jaune standing by the punch bowl.

Jaune: "You hiding here too?"

Ruby: "Yep."

Jaune: "Then to the socially inept."

They click cups when Jaune looks to the side.

Jaune: "Hold my punch."

He walks away where we see him walk up to Neptune. Everyone begins pairing with Ruby quickly being left all alone. She looks down sad when I ask her a question.

Y/N: "Care to dance?"

Ruby: "You want to dance?"

Y/N: "Of course. What kind of guardian would let a girl dance alone?"

Ruby: *smiles* "Emerge."

I come out of my ring and hold out my hand. Ruby grabs it and I pull her close as the song begins playing.

Y/N: "You look really beautiful tonight."

Ruby: "Thanks, I'm glad you think so."

I spin Ruby around when she slightly looks down.

Y/N: "What's wrong?"

Ruby: "I'm just a little sad."

Y/N: "What about?"

Ruby: "My mom. I never really got to know her. What all I do know is what my dad told me, which wasn't much. My fear is that she left me wanting nothing to do with me."

Ruby begins tearing up which makes me sad.

Y/N: "Hey, that is not true. Your mother loved you very much."

Ruby: "You knew her?"

Y/N: "Yes, at one point she was my partner."

Ruby: "She was?"

Y/N: "Yes, and every time we went on a mission she would always kiss your forehead and tell you that she loved you. She loved you very much Ruby, more than you could ever know. So don't think for a second she didn't."

Ruby: "Then why did she leave?"

Y/N: "Our last mission together was the toughest we ever had. She fought tooth and nail but the enemy was just too tough. I was ready to lay down my life to save her but she used her remaining energy to send me to you so you would never be alone."

She looks down before laying her head on my chest.

Ruby: "Please don't leave me Y/N. My mother may be gone but knowing you were once connected to her makes it feel like she's still here. So please, don't leave."

I wrap my arms around Ruby and just hold her as close as I can.

Y/N: "I will never leave you. I made an oath to stand by you and to protect you. And no force on Remnant will ever make me break that oath. I will never leave you Ruby, I will be by your side, now and forever."

The ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora