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Ruby: "What shall we do when we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing maybe? Oh, what should we see first?"

Blake: "I vote our beds."

Ruby: "Come on guys, this is a great time to explore. We haven't do that in a long time."

Weiss: "We just explored an entire continent before coming to this one."

Ruby: "But that was only boring exploring."

Yang: "We almost died."

She walks away when Ironwood calls us over.

Ironwood: "I'd like all team leaders please. You as well Qrow."

Qrow: "New problems?"

Ironwood: "Same ones unfortunately. Someone is taking out people who talk bad about Atlas, or more specifically me. It didn't look like much at first but now there's no denying it."

Qrow: "This can't be good for your image."

Ironwood: "That's not my main concern. But it's causing uneasiness."

Suddenly a plane lands and an old male looking Weiss walks out.

Man: "So not only do you cripple my business with this embargo, but you also think you have the authority to take private property? Once the council catches wind of this..."

Ironwood: "They already know. And since this is now a private military mission it didn't need a vote."

Man: "Didn't need a vote?"

Ironwood: "You might want to study council laws Jacques, before you lose this election."

Jacques: "It seems you've forgotten who your friends are. I'm getting on that council, and then you'll-" *spots Weiss* "You wrangled my daughter into all of this? How long has she been here? Did Winter know?"

Weiss: "It was my choice to leave. Or did you forget that?"

Jacques: "If you think I'm one to forget then you forgot what kind of man your father is."

Weiss: "Believe me, I know exactly the kind of man you are."

Jacques: "Why you. I oughta-"

Y/N: *through ring* "I suggest you chose your next words carefully."

Jacques: "Who the hell said that?"

Ruby: "Emerge."

I spring out of my ring and lift Jacques off the ground by the front of his coat.

Jacques: "What're you doing!? Unhand me!!"

Y/N: "Big talk from a little man."

Jacques: "Unhand me or I'll sue you for everything you have!"

Y/N: "You pathetic little man. You assume just because you have wealth you can rule the world. I'm gonna let you in on a secret, you're not powerful. In fact, compared to everyone else in this world, you pose as much of a threat as a newborn. You possess no power, take away your padded lifestyle and you won't last five seconds in this world."

I set him back on the ground and he turns around while flying away in his plane.

Weiss: "Thank you."

Y/N: "No worries. Besides, only I can rag on you."

She pouts while the others laugh. I'm recalled into my ring and we head inside Amity Colosseum where Penny walks past us while tapping on a tablet.

Winter: "All of you are being given your Huntsman licenses, today."

Ironwood: "I know this is coming a little ahead of schedule but you all deserve it."

Ruby: "Thank you Ironwood sir."

Ironwood: "With the threat of Salem on the rise, I need as many people I can trust by my side. I'm just lucky I have you all. Well, that's all I've got, please, enjoy the cake."

He walks away and we all get a plate of cake. Ruby takes a seat in the bleachers where I join her.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Ruby: "Yeah, just not really in the mood for cake."

Y/N: "If Summer was here, she'd say she's proud of the woman you've become."

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Ruby: "The last mission you had with my mom, what exactly happened? What made her make you stop protecting her and protect me?"

I freeze and can't think of anything to say. Do I tell her the truth and break her heart? Or continue to hide the truth and make it harder on her when she does finds out the truth? Summer, what do I do?

Y/N: "I already told you. We met a powerful opponent that was just too much, even for me. Rather than having us both die and leaving you all alone, your mom used the last of her strength to send me to you. That's all."

Ruby looks at me for a moment or two before just sighing and leaning onto my shoulder.

Ruby: "I believe you."

I smile on the outside but deep down I feel nothing but hate for myself. She deserves to know the truth, but how in the name of Oum do I tell her that her mother's killer is the same woman we're going after? Oum help me.

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