Splitting Up

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The airship flies down towards Mantle and lands. The side door opens and we pick up Oscar. After that we fly back towards Atlas and land at our hideout. We enter and see the others waiting for us. They all hug Oscar when the door opens and Joanna walks in.

Joanna: "Your friend's back, ready for work? The biggest swarm of Grimm is on the tundra and there's a city without heat and no military to protect it. While we're glad to give you all a place to rest, it's time we help those people."

Ren: "How're we supposed to do that? Atlas has blocked all evacuations to Atlas. And with Salem's forces around us, leaving the city is next to impossible."

Joanna: "The crater under Atlas. It's got heat and will make protecting everyone easier since they'll all be in one place. May can tell you where you're needed most. We have to get everyone there before nightfall."

She walks out of the room leaving us alone.

Yang: "We've got to help Mantle."

Ruby: "We've got to help everyone. We've still got to get Amity up, we can't do this alone. We need help."

Blake: "Ruby's right."

Yang: "But Amity's not even finished."

Ruby: "Doctor? What do you need to launch Amity?"

Pietro: "We'd need clearance from Ironwood's terminal."

Yang: "There's no way Ironwood will work with us."

Ruby: "He doesn't have to, we only need his clearance."

Yang: "You wanna go back to the academy?"

Pietro: "There's actually a second terminal, in the main Atlesian Military Compound at the heart of the city."

Oscar: "And this is the easy way?"

Yang: "So it can't be done? It's pointless, there's no way to know that help will even come."

Ruby: "It's not pointless! Once Salem's done here she'll move on to the rest of Remnant."

Ren: "There're people who need us here. That's something we can do."

Nora: "But this is more than about Atlas. Ruby's right, the world needs to know what's coming."

Jaune: "Then let's go for both."

Ruby: "But Salem wants to divide us. We must stick together."

Oscar: "We can split up and still be united."

Ruby: "Then we're going to Atlas. Can you help us with that terminal?"

Pietro: "I can."

Penny: "I'll go."

Pietro: "Penny-"

Penny: *makes eyes flame* "I'll go."

Yang: "Do what you've go to. I'm going out there and doing what I can."

Ren: "Nora?"

Nora: "I'm going with Ruby."

Ren: "What about Mantle?" 

Nora: "I am saving Mantle. I believe we can do this."

We all split up with us arriving on a rooftop. We scope out the area when someone's scroll goes off. The others check their scrolls when we find out it's Penny's and it's Ironwood calling.

Ironwood: "Hello Penny. I'm worried about your safety. Tell me where you are and I'll have you picked up right away. Atlas needs you Penny. Salem is here."

Ruby: "She's not going anywhere until you change your mind about Mantle. There's still a chance for Remnant to be-"

Ironwood: "Mantle... you're still worried about Mantle!? Remnant is doomed Ruby. Unless we leave Salem will destroy Atlas and with it, any hope humanity has left. We need to think about the future. If she makes it through our defenses, everything that follows will be on your hands."

Ruby hangs up on Ironwood and we continue on our way. We finally arrive at the place Weiss said would get us to the compound and see May waiting for us. We walk past the gate and into the building. 

Ruby: "Are you sure this is safe?"

Weiss: "Snowshoe Shipping is an SDC subsidiary, meaning all the drones here report to the company, not the General. The pneumatic tubes allow for Dust refined in the crater to be sent straight up to Atlas. We just need to find the one for the military base."

Blake: "Are there any buildings in Atlas that you family doesn't own?"

We look around when Ruby walks to Penny and she says something.

Penny: "I don't like it when friends fight."

Ruby: "I know. Yang and I might not agree on how to best save Mantle but-"

Penny: "No. I mean Winter. The General. They were our friends but then the Ace-Ops attacked you. And the General, he said people are going to die, because of me."

Ruby: "That was a lie. And he was only saying it to hurt you."

Y/N: *through ring* "We're your friends Penny. We'll always be here for you. If you ever need to talk then don't hesitate to let us know."

Penny: "I will."

Nora: "Found it!" 

Blake: "I suppose there's no turning back now."

May: "Between our secret weapon and my semblance, you all couldn't be in better hands."

Y/N: "What about me?"

Ruby: *chuckles* "And we have you."

May: "What's a ring going to do?"

Weiss: "Just wait until he is summoned."

Nora: "So how do we use this thing?"

Weiss: "It should be simple. If you lie back in the tube and press launch-"

Nora slams the button which sucks Weiss into the tube and sends her away.

Y/N: "I'm not getting in that thing."

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