Start from the beginning

Grinning, I glance at Griffin, a knowing look passing between us as I continue to rock slowly. "I may have had some practice holding babies back in the day."

Ava catches onto my comment and smirks at Isla before turning back to me. "Good, because I'm definitely going to be calling on Aunty Erin when My Wolf and I need some quiet time."

"Doe, we might as well ask Erin to move in if we're waiting for her visits for quiet time." Leaning over, Griffin nibbles on Ava's neck, eliciting a squeal from her before they share a kiss.

Smirking, I notice her hand moving beneath the table, eliciting a soft grumble from Griffin. I snuggle closer to baby Chloe, trying to ignore my family. But when I glance away, my stomach does a little flip as I meet Liam's gaze. He looks pained, and I quickly remind myself not to go there. He's not mine...

Deciding to be mature about it, I mentally chuckle at the idea of putting on my big girl panties. Actually, scratch that. I prefer to go pantiless! Offering Liam a neutral smile, I then avert my gaze.

I can't be angry at Liam for fulfilling expectations. I've no claim on him, and even if I did, it's not like we could be together.


After lunch, with the table cleared and the pack members dispersing around the Ranch, baby Chloe now napping in her father's arms in the large living room, I excuse myself and nod to Ava. Storytime...

"I'm going for a walk with Erin," Ava informs Griffin, rising from her seat and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"That's fine, Doe. Shay and I need to speak with Patrick anyway," Griffin replies with a grin, seizing Ava as she attempts to pull away and giving her a passionate kiss.

Turning away from them and glancing at Isla, I offer her the opportunity to join us. As expected, she declines, mentioning she has work to do before quickly slipping away to God knows where.

Ava shrugs and disengages herself from her mate, giggling as he playfully swats at her butt.

I wonder if Alexei and I will ever be that comfortable with each other?

Moving outside, we settle on a cozy love seat positioned in front of a roaring fire pit overlooking the lake. Wrapping ourselves in thick woolen blankets, we sit.

"You okay?" Ava asks.

"With what?"

"With, you know," she replies, glancing back towards the Ranch and where I assume Liam is.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Come on, Erin, even a blind person can see the chemistry between the two of you."

Sighing and staring out at the water, I clench my fist. "There is no 'us.'"

"Is that because you don't want an 'us'?" Ava asks, emphasizing the word with air quotes. "Or because you can't have an 'us'?"

"Can't," I reply, meeting her gaze. She waits patiently, so I continue. I explain about my contract with Alexei, how I've known since I was a teenager that he would be my future husband, and how there's no way out of it.

I explain that the Petrovs were merely my caretakers, grooming me to be the ideal companion for their lord and master. I share some of the lessons and punishments I endured, mostly being confined to my room with meals withheld. However, I omit the punishments I received directly from Alexei. There's no point in her harboring hatred towards the man with whom I'll soon be sharing at least one child.

Then I reveal my impending engagement to her. "I can't believe you kept all this from me. No, scratch that. I can't believe you managed to hide all that from me. I'm such a terrible friend. I should have known," Ava laments, tears welling up in her eyes.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now