I Should Trust You!

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On the way back, Lisa was a little absent-minded, and jungkook finally couldn't bear it: "What's the matter with you? Still thinking about taehyung?"

"What are you talking about?" Lisa frowned displeased. "You still don't believe me?"

"I don't want to doubt you, but you are too much..." jungkook drew annoyedly, "Since you saw taehyung today, you look so absent minded, even when I am with you."

"Don't make trouble unreasonably, okay?" Lisa was also a little angry.

It was not because of taehyung that she had been out of her mind, but because of the Hao-yu whose back and eyes looked exactly like Kai, which made her feel a sense of panic, but jungkook didn't understand her heart at all.

"I am making trouble unreasonably?" jungkook asked angrily. "Then tell me, why are you absent-minded all the time?"

"I..." Lisa wanted to say that it was because of Hao-yu, and was afraid that jungkook would be jealous again, so she had to change the subject, "I don't want to fight with you."

Jungkook took a deep breath, bit his lower lip, and pressed the anger back in his chest. He didn't want to lose his temper at her, but he drove the car faster and faster.

"You stop here, I'll take a taxi and go back by myself." Lisa knew he was angry, thinking about being apart for a while to calm each other down would work and it would be better.

Jungkook was very angry, unable to vent, and really stopped the car on the side of the road ahead.

Lisa unfastened her seat belt and pushed the door to get out of the car.

Jungkook drove away without even looking at her, but he drove very slowly and stared at the rearview mirror. If she could call him back, he will definitely go back to pick her up, but she didn't.

Jungkook was very angry and drove the car away.

Lisa looked at the direction his Lamborghini was leaving, feeling very disappointed, he was still like this, didn't understand her at all, didn't believe her at all.

Jungkook drove the car forward aimlessly. The anger in his heart had not been extinguished, and it was getting more and more vigorous, but his mind was full of Lisa's figure.

Thinking about it, he couldn't put it down after all, and turned the car around and drove back to Lisa.

Lisa stood by the side of the road, trying to get a taxi but she waited for several minutes without getting one.

When she was worrying, she accidentally saw a familiar car, it was taehyung's! Jennie was also with him.

Taehyung saw Lisa standing on the side of the road from a distance, drove the car over and stopped, jennie asked with concern: "Lisa, why are you standing here? Didn't you go back with jungkook first?"

"Oh, he, there is something urgent for the time being, I let him go first." Lisa lied, she didn't want taehyung to know that she was quarreling with jungkook.

"No matter how urgent the other things are, how can he leave you on the side of the road like this? What if something happens?" taehyung got out of the car and walked around and opened the rear door, "Get in the car and I will take you home."

"No, I'll take a taxi and go home by myself." Lisa didn't want to cause trouble anymore.

Jungkook’s anger will blow up is she agrees. If she took taehyung's car back, he would misunderstand her even more.

"It's difficult to get a taxi here at this time." taehyung frowned, "Get in the car."

"Really no need..." Before Lisa finished speaking, taehyung took her hand and dragged her into the car. She wanted to struggle, but at that time, nayeon and Hao-yu's car drove over.

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