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"No, I don't know," then, thinking on it, I recall Siobhan mentioning something about Ava having the ability to push her will onto others. "Actually, OMG, you totally rolled me, Bitch." I laugh, causing her to look at me with confusion. "No, seriously, do you know how many people have tried to compel me over the years and failed? Who would have thought that it would be my damn BFF that was able to do it."

"So you aren't mad?"

"Hell yes, I'm mad, but damn girl, that's some power you got there."

Looking sheepish, Ava suddenly turns and smacks my arm, not hard, but enough for me to jolt. "Alexander Mikhailov. THE. Alexander Mikhailov, the man that's so hot every girl in the city, has masturbated to his image. Mr. Mikhailov, our boss? Oh, girl, you better tell me everything and tell me now." She demands.

Peering ahead, I can see the large stone and steel gates of the Ranch coming into view. "Chill, girl, we're nearly at the Ranch, and I promise I'll spill the juicy details later."

"You keep promising later, Erin." Ava pushes, and I know she is right.

"Look, let's have a chat after lunch. Just you and me before I head home. K?" I plead, moving through the gates.

"Fine," Ava humphs, crossing her arms over her chest. "But only because we're here. But if you don't, I swear I will call Mr. Mikhailov myself and ask."

I roll my eyes as I park my car behind Griffin's truck.

I glance at the others as they exit, all donning Shay's sweatshirt without jackets, seemingly impervious to the cold. Turning to Ava, I give her my response. "Fine."

Grumbling but also grinning, her dark eyes gleaming with excitement, "I want ALL the details, and I mean ALL. You know I had a crush on him forever. OMG, the fantasies I used to have about him bending me over my desk after work. If it weren't for My Wolf, I would be exceptionally jealous right now." Pausing for breath and reaching for her door handle, she turns back to me, "he doesn't hurt you, does he?"

Hurt, well not intentionally, I think to myself before answering, "no, Ava, surprisingly, he isn't a massive jerk."

"Then why do I feel that you aren't happy?"

Wrapping my hand around the door handle, I sigh, "later, Ava, and don't tell the others, okay?"

"EVERYTHING." She mouths as she climbs out of the car, Griffin immediately moving to her side and pulling her into his massive body. Turning back to me as I step out, I see her mouth the word again before reaching up and tugging Griffin down for a loud and messy kiss.

"Doe, not that I mind your affection, but is everything okay?" Griffin chuckles, breaking the kiss.

"Everything's perfect. I just love spending time with your sister."

Griffin grins and returns to kissing his mate.

Putting thoughts of Alexei aside, I laugh and move to stand beside them. "Do you guys mind if we keep the sister thing on the down-low and between us?"

"If that's what you want, Ciara, then we will comply," Griffin replies, turning his body to face the Ranch, his shoulders hunching. "Ready?" He asks no one in particular.

"Yippidy do da," Shay replies. "Let's get this freak show over with. The quicker we get in there, the quicker we can go home."

I move to stand beside Shay and take his arm. "You ready, date?"

Shay grins and pulls me in close. "Certainly, my dear. I can't wait for someone to lose their shit when they realize their scent has now been replaced by mine."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu