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1. Kaelin Iris Hale

FULL NAME: Kaelin Iris Hale

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FULL NAME: Kaelin Iris Hale

Gender: Female

Birthdate: May 19, 1994

Birthplace: Beacon Hills, California

Relationship Status: Single (*cough cough* Theo better kiss her *cough cough*)

Dated- Isaac Lahey, Theo Raeken

Kissed (only once)- Stiles Stilinski

Sexuality: Straight

Nicknames: Kae (everyone), Kaely (Derek), Lin (Stiles and Scott), Kaelin (Name), Angel (Theo), Darling (Peter), Sister (Malia)


Malia Tate/Hale (half-sister)

Derek Hale (cousin)

Cora Hale (cousin)

Laura Hale (cousin-deceased)

Peter Hale (father)

Jasmine Hale (mother-deceased)

Talia Hale (aunt, godmother- deceased)

Loyalty affiliations: McCall pack, Hale family, Puppy pack, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski

Weaknesses: McCall pack, Pyrophobia

Hobbies: reading, watching tv, running, annoying Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall

Languages: French, English, Spanish, can read Archaic and Regular Latin

How She Was Born (No Smut): Jasmine and Peter broke up and Peter hooked up with Malia's mother, but forgot about it later because of Talia. He got back together with Jasmine because she was pregnant. (only because people are confused about it smh)

Best Friend: Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall

2. Annabelle Tonya Deaton

FULL NAME: Annabelle Tonya Deaton

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FULL NAME: Annabelle Tonya Deaton

Gender: Female

Birthdate: December 31st, 1995

Birthplace: Beacon Hills, California

Relationship Status: Taken

Dated- Brett Talbot (when they were kids, 12), Liam Dunbar

Summer fling with Nolan Holloway

Sexuality: Straight

Nicknames: Ann (Liam), Belle (Deaton), Annabelle (Teachers), Annie (Kaelin), Jemma Simmons (Hunter)

Dream Job: Biologist, Scientist


Allen Deaton (father)

Alya Deaton (mother-deceased)

Marin Morrell (aunt)

Lizzie Morrell (distant cousin, will be introduced when I write imagines)

Loyalty affiliations: Liam Dunbar, Puppy Pack, McCall Pack, Kaelin Hale

Languages: Japanese, French, English, and Spanish (show off)

Best Friend: Hunter Holloway and Mason Hewitt

3. Hunter Holloway

FULL NAME: Hunter Lucas Holloway

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FULL NAME: Hunter Lucas Holloway

Gender: Male

Birthdate: April 1, 1994

Birthplace: Beacon Hills, California

Sexuality: Bisexual Icon

Relationship Status: Single

Dated- Gus Anderson (hunter)

Kissed (one time)- Kaelin Hale

Nicknames: H (Allison), Son (Argent), Hunter (literally everyone else), Dumbass (Theo)

Dream Job: Protector or Beacon Hills (like Argent)


Keith Holloway (father)

Isla Holloway (mother)

Nolly Holloway (brother)

Allison Argent (adoptive sister)

Christopher Argent (adoptive father)

Victoria Argent (adoptive mother-dead)

Loyalty affiliations: Argents, Puppy Pack, McCall Pack, Kaelin Hale

Languages: English

Hobbies: kicking ass, being sarcastic, hating hunters and evil people, being Stiles' partner in insulting people, is sarcastic to hold back any trauma and pain that he has dealt with during his childhood

Best Friend: Allison Argent and Annabelle Deaton

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