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Kaelin rolled her eyes as she sat downstairs in an arm chair. She was on a phone call with Hunter, who was helping Argent and Allison out. They were saving the lives of innocent supernatural creatures as more hunters were attacking them. Hunter was scared that they would go after Beacon Hills next. He didn't want to lose his friends.

"I'm worried about what's happening out here, Kaelin." Hunter said, "They're killing for fun."

"I'll watch out for them." Kaelin said.

"We could use your help." Hunter admits.

"Really?" Kaelin asks, "You three can do anything."

"I'm worried about him." Hunter states.

"He's not going to come back for you, Hunter." Kaelin says, "And if he does, I'll kill him."

"Kaelin..." Hunter says, "What if when I left he got to my brother?"

"Everything is going to be okay." Kaelin nods, assuring him. "Just tell me when you need help."

"Kaelin, I need help now. We all do and I don't think that we can fight all of them off." Hunter said.

"Okay. Turn on your location and I'll be there in 30 seconds." Kaelin nods, "If you see another hunter come at you, do whatever you want, but if I walk into you doing a dance battle like Peter Quill, I will rip your throat out, with my teeth."

"Seriously? A Hale threat?" Hunter asks annoyed.

"Yes. A Hale threat." Kaelin states annoyed.

Hunter laughed slightly. "Kaelin, you can't come."

"You just said that you needed my help." Kaelin said confused.

"They're hunters, they have experience, and so do I." Hunter says.

"Sorry, but, just 30 seconds ago, you said that you needed my help." Kaelin said confused. Kaelin rolled her eyes as she had already stood up and made her way towards the door, thinking that Hunter needed her help. "Whatever. If you change your mind, just call me."

Kaelin wasn't mad, she was annoyed, because earlier Hunter had said that he needed her help, but now he didn't. How could he just change his mind in 30 seconds? Hunter was just trying to protect her. He had lost many things to the hunters out there and he was not willing to lose anyone else. He didn't want to take that chance. Everything that Hunter believed in was because of his father, because of his parents, and because of how Gerard was able to influence him. Allison had been influenced too, but the pack brought her back, the real her back. Hunter felt better about himself when he heard about that. When he heard about all the horrible things that Gerard had done, he thought that he was weak, that he should've recognized, realized, that something was terribly wrong, but he didn't. Not until it was too late.

Hunter nodded solemnly on the other side of the line. He couldn't lie. He was afraid. He knew what the hunters were capable of, but he never expected them to kill a kid. Hunter shook off Kaelin's annoyance before he replied. "I've got to go, but I'll call you later." Hunter was supposed to be at school right now, but he was pulled away when Argent told him that there were supernatural creatures in danger. He had to help them, in any way that he could.

Kaelin hung up before she grabbed her jacket and made her way towards the door. She was going out to meet Stiles and Scott. Kaelin opened the door to see Theo standing there. Theo was turned around, debating on how he was going to tell Kaelin that he was leaving Beacon Hills. Kaelin looked at Theo curiously, she had no idea what he was doing here.

"Theo." Kaelin called out and Theo turned around shocked. "What are you doing here?"

Theo had remembered how it felt when she ran off. He had no idea where she was going, he couldn't protect her from the Ghost Riders... He wanted to be able to protect her, but he knew that she would never forgive him.

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