𝟞.𝟞 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕

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Third Person P.O.V.

Peter woke up, the sun blinding his eyes. He rubbed his eyes before he turned to notice his daughter sitting across from him. He smiled, he knew that him getting hurt would bring the two of them together. That's all he wanted, to be a family again. Peter looked around to realize that he was in Derek's loft. He missed Derek. Kaelin was the only one keeping the two together.

"You're awake." Kaelin realizes as she sat up in her seat. She looked over at her father who was getting better by the moment.

"You gave me your blood." Peter says shocked.

"I knew that Scott wouldn't take your pain. I had to do something." Kaelin shrugs.

"You gave me your blood." Peter repeated.

"Well, I can't take it back if that's what you want." Kaelin says annoyed.

"I knew you'd save my life." Peter smiles.

"No one deserves to die. Not even you." Kaelin states.

"I let you die, Kaelin." Peter said, "Doesn't that give you enough reason to hate me?"

"You're right." Kaelin says, "All you knew was I was going to die and come back. Not that I was going to be a vampire." Kaelin shifted uncomfortably. "I need something from you, Peter." Peter eyed his daughter curiously, but he knew exactly what she meant. She wanted to know about Stiles. "I want to know about Stiles."

Peter sighed. "Where are your friends? Do they not want to know?"

"My friends are going to Canaan. The place that Stiles told me to remember." Kaelin informs him, "And I have been chosen to stay behind so I can watch over Beacon Hills." Kaelin sighs. "Now are you going to tell me or not?" Peter would tell her who Stiles was, but he wouldn't tell her where he was. He doesn't want her to get caught in the crossfire. He had already lost his daughter once before. He was not going to lose her again.

"Stiles was a good person." Peter sighs, "And a pain in the ass. He was your brother. He wasn't blood, but he was still family to you. It was something that I never understood, but then I learned that my actions will bear consequences and those consequences was never being able to see you again."

"I'm aware of that." Kaelin states, feeling remorse for the man who sat in front of her. She knew that it wasn't his fault that his personality was burnt out of him.

"Stiles stood by your side when I couldn't. You two were inseparable to say the least." Peter informs his daughter. "I was happy that he was there for you when I wasn't."

"Dad, was he Void?" Kaelin asks.

"Yes, he was." Peter nods. He could only hope that by telling Kaelin all of this, she would think about forgiving him. "I'm sorry."

Kaelin frowned. "You chose power over me, Peter." Kaelin hissed harshly, "Sorry isn't enough."

"I never should've done that and I know." Peter says, "But I'm not the only person who's done this to you. Derek-"

"-Derek killed you in self defense. You were going to kill him." Kaelin snapped.

"I would never kill my family." Peter shook his head.

"Do I really have to say anything?" Kaelin asks.

"I don't understand why you can't forgive me." Peter said.

"Oh, you can't? You can't?" Kaelin snapped, "You worked with the bitch that burned our family alive for power! For fucking power! You didn't even need it!"

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