𝟞.𝟠 𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕜𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕘 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕟

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Allison opened her eyes and she was somewhere else. The last thing she remembered was getting shot in her arm, taking a bullet for Corey.

Allison never wanted to be forgiven, but it was as if everything was handed to her just because she was Scott's girlfriend at the time.

Allison had done terrible things, things that she could never forgive herself for... So she wondered how Kaelin had actually forgiven her, but Kaelin hadn't. Kaelin gave Allison a chance to earn her forgiveness even if it would take a long time and Allison admired that about her friend.

Allison knew that her family had a part of the murder of hers and she could never forgive her family for that.

"Allison?" Stiles asks worriedly.

"Stiles?" Allison asks.

"Do you remember me?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah." Allison states, "I should've remembered you from the start."

"You shouldn't be here." Stiles insists.

Allison looks down to realize that she's sitting on a bench. She looked around and saw the plaques that showed the times that they would go and leave the station. They were in a train station, but Beacon Hills doesn't have a train station.

"Where the hell are we?" Allison demands as she sat up but Stiles pulled her back down and they sat down as the Ghost Riders walked past them.

"Don't let them think that you are trying to escape." Stiles says worriedly.

"Aren't you?" Allison asks.

"Lydia will save me." Stiles states determined. "How did you get here?"

"I took a bullet for Corey." Allison shrugs.

"Do you think they'll remember you?" Stiles asks.

"Kaelin will." Allison smiles, "And she'll do anything that she can to get the two of us back."

"... She remembered me?" Stiles asks curiously.

"She didn't need to." Allison says, "All she needed to know was that you were real and that gave her faith."

"I knew she'd come for me." Stiles smiles.

"Stiles what happened?" Allison asks worriedly. "How did that take you?"

"Kaelin let me go say goodbye to Lydia. She hoped that I'd run away, but she just couldn't accept that no matter what I did, no matter where I went, they were still going to be after me." Stiles says sadly.

"They're going to get us back." Allison assures him.

"But, none of them remember us, Alli." Stiles states.

"Kaelin does. She remembers me and if she comes for me, I am taking you with me." Allison stated determined.

"What if she doesn't realize that you're gone?" Stiles asks sadly.

"She'll find me. She'll find us. I know she will." Allison said.

"But-" Stiles starts.

"-Scott isn't helping her, Stiles. He didn't even believe you were real... Kaelin and Lydia were the ones who did. If anyone can find us, they can." Allison assures him.

"But, they can't." Stiles shook his head. "We don't even exist."

"We exist to them and that will always be enough." Allison says.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• o •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Kaelin had searched for Allison and couldn't find her anywhere. She had returned Allison's bow to Chris. He deserved to have it. When Kaelin had gone to the bunker she had grabbed a sword and a gun. She needed weapons to fight the Ghost Riders and Chris willingly gave them to her.

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