"What was I doing?"

"You were hurting yourself, drinking a lot, you quit your job and stopped talking to the team, and then you couldn't take it anymore so you ended it"

"I'm sorry you had to see all that JJ, but I'm here and so are you, we are both safe in this room"

"Yeah, we should probably hear back to sleep, we still have work tomorrow"

"Yeah, goodnight JJ"


We both fell asleep again, this time backs turned away from each other.

We woke up in the morning to our alarms, we both got ready and we were about to leave.

"JJ I checked the weather and it's going to be 94 today are you sure you want to wear that"

"I have to"

"No you don't, if you need a short sleeve I have one you can borrow, no one will judge you for the scars"

"Can I borrow one then?"

"Yeah" I pulled the blue shirt out of my bag and handed it to her

"Thank you Em"

"Of course, now let's head to the nearest coffee shop and then to work"

It was 7:20 when we got to the police department, only Hotch was there so far, we didn't need to be here until 7:30 but we figured we should get here early.

"So Hotch, anything yet?"

"Still nothing, I do think that this unsub has to be round their age, so about mid 30's"

"I'm going to call Garcia and see if she found anything, I'll let you know if she did Hotch"

"You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's Office of Supreme Genius"

"Hey Garcia find anything about our victims"

"I did find one thing, they all go to the same yoga studio"

"What one?"

"It is called 'State of Yoga' on 4th street, sending the location to you now"

"Any male workers?"

"5 of them"

"How many of them are around the age of 30"


"I love you Penelope Garcia"

"Get in line"

I tell Hotch what Garcia told me and he said we should check it out. I waited for the rest of the team to come and then I told them what we found out. Derek, Hotch, and I started to head to the studio while the rest of the team stayed back. When we got there we saw a few cars probably the workers.

(Hotch) "Fbi, are any of your male works in today"

"2 of them are"

(Hotch) "Where are they"

"In the back office, follow me"

There was 2 guys, both white sitting in office chairs at desks.

(Hotch) "We would like to speak to the both of you"
he shows his badge to the two men

"Okay, what about"

(Hotch) "Where were the both of you Friday night around 6:30"

"We were both here, we stayed after to get some paperwork done and to clean up. We have security cameras that can prove we were both here"

(Hotch) "What about your other male coworker, was he here"

"Alex wasn't here, he called in sick"

(Hotch) "Alright thank you"

I think we just found out who are unsub is. I called Garcia to get this guys address so we can find him before he takes another women.

"Hey Garcia I need a address on a Alex Shiver"

"Okay coming right at you"

"Thank you Garcia"

"Of course, Garcia out"

642 Lenox Ave is were we are headed now. When we got there we searched the house but no one was there. We did however find all 3 victims phones in the kitchen, as well as pictures of the 3 girls when he held them hostage.

Half of the team was looking for this Alex dude who is the unsub. I've been at the department with Reid trying to find places he could have been holding the girls.

I've gotten some looks from people today because of my scars, I knew I should have just worn the long sleeve shirt. I saw some other people talking and trying to point without it being obvious but I saw them. I had to go outside and take a few minutes to myself because I couldn't stand being in there with everyone. I told Reid I would be a few minutes.

I walked behind the department and sat down on the ground to collect myself, next thing I knew I had a hand over my mouth and someone grabbed me from behind.

Difficult Times (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now