✨forty eight part two✨

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✨ "Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart." ✨

2 Days LaterMystic Falls

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2 Days Later
Mystic Falls

Three words. That was all it took. Three words to completely ruin Brynn's chance at happiness. She didn't know if what Katherine told her was a trick, but it didn't matter; it worked.

They both knew good and well how that fight would end: Katherine would be dead. But sometimes a fight isn't about physical blows. Sometimes it's about being smarter.

And on that island, Katherine Pierce outsmarted Braylen Mikaelson by a long shot.

That is why she has to leave. Not permanently, but for the time being; maybe a week or two at most, but it is enough to make Damon doubt their relationship.

She won't tell him whats wrong. She won't talk about how Stefan and Elena found her with a stake through her heart in the tunnels. She won't talk about what went down between her and Katherine. In fact, she hasn't said anything except that she needs to leave and head to Michigan for a few days.

The time was horrible, but he didn't know what to say to make her stay because he didn't know what the problem was.

He thought things between them had been amazing! She was finally opening up to him and being fine with physical affection in front of other people, but ever since she went down to get the cure, she hasn't been the same.

And not only Damon has noticed.

"Brynn." Damon stands at the entrance of her bedroom, watching as she shoves her clothes into a duffel bag. He notices how she doesn't pack all of them, but enough to last her a few weeks. "Brynn. . . Dammit, Braylen! Answer me!"

She pauses for a second. She turns around and damn if Damon's heart didn't just break. She looked. . . Broken. Her hair was at a knot on the top of her head, her eyes were puffy and swollen from the lack of sleep, her skin is unnaturally pale, and her outfit. . . Let's just say no one has ever seen Braylen Mikaelson in an outfit like this before.

He doesn't know what to do. His mind is swirling with everything going on- Elena is a mess because Jeremy isn't waking up and everyone is mourning his death. Oh, and the fact that that evil bitch Katherine has the cure and taken it god knows where!

He already hated Katherine before the island, but now he hates her even more. Not because of her taking the cure, but because something went down between her and his girlfriend, and it broke the person he cares about most in this world.

And it makes him feel hopeless because he has no idea how to fix it. How to fix her.

"I'll only be gone for a few days."

Okay, that was something, but not nearly enough.

"Why? What is in Michigan? Do you need me to come with you?"

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