✨forty two✨

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"in your hesitation i found my answer"

✨ "in your hesitation i found my answer" ✨

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"Well, that was romantic, wasn't it?"

"We were burying a dead body."

"At least it wasn't alive."

Bless his heart. Damon is trying his hardest to cheer Brynn up, but she doesn't even crack a smile. He tries joking with her, tickling her, kissing her, holding her. . . None of it works.

Brynn didn't feel like smiling. So she doesn't.

Instead she detaches herself from him, claiming that she'll be fine alone while Klaus takes Damon, Jeremy, and Matt somewhere.

Brynn didn't know how, what, why, or where; all she knew is that she allowed herself to be held, so now she needs to suck it up.

They have an objective: get the cure. She can offer her services and keep her mind off of Isaiah.

She sighs, rubbing her eyes that had gotten puffy from all the tears she shed. She cried for a good thirty minutes before Damon forced her to look at him so he could wipe her tears. It was sweet, but she just wanted to be left alone.

But now that she was alone, she wanted to be with him.

Ironic, isn't it?

"Get to the house!"

Brynn jumps, pushing the blanket off of her as she gets off the couch.

What was with all the yelling?

Brynn walks towards the door, stepping back as it bursts open. Jeremy and Matt run through, the blonde clutching his neck in pain.

Her nose twitches at the blood; she hasn't had blood since they arrived at the lake. Damon had offered to go to the nearest hospital and grab a few bags, but she refused. She had three before she left, so she assumed she'd be okay. Obviously she was wrong.

"What happened?" Brynn helps drag Matt to the couch. "Where's Damon?"

"He's behind us." Jeremy says as they help Matt sit up. He sighs, taking a moment to catch his breath as he looks at the original. "Your brothers a dick."

She scoffs. "Which one?" She bites into her wrist, offering the blood to Matt who violently shakes his head.


"No what?"

"No blood." Jeremy answers for him. "He doesn't want it."

Usually Brynn would make some smartass comment but sadly, she didn't feel like it. Isaiah's message really took a toll on her; she doesn't feel like joking around, and the last thing she wants to do is talk about whatever mess Klaus made now.

But even though she doesn't want to talk about it, she knows she will. It will help her take her mind off of Isaiah.

She shrugs. "Suit yourself."

brynn | damon salvatore Where stories live. Discover now