Start from the beginning

"Takes one to know one," she giggles, then pulls back, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Griffin makes me feel so secure, Erin. It's like he knows me inside and out. Like my body is an extension of his."

Her words give me pause, a pang of envy flaring briefly before I push it aside. I plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek, leaving a red mark on her skin.

Ava pushes me away and wipes her face with the back of her hand, groaning when her skin comes away with lipstick smears. "Now I have to go clean myself," she grumbles, then smirks. "So while I go upstairs, you can go and see your... BROTHER," she drawls out the word, chuckling, "all by yourself."

Rolling my eyes, I gesture for her to go, amused by her antics as she heads towards the staircase. Chuckling, I watch as she stomps her way up to what I suppose is her room. Turning, I make my way towards the enticing smells emanating from the kitchen, knowing that's where I'll find Griffin.

Entering the kitchen, I spot Griffin hard at work, and memories from yesterday flood back. Emotions surge as I'm reminded of the bond we shared. Griffin, sensing my presence, raises his head to meet my gaze, his familiar eyes locking onto mine. Catching sight of me standing there, watching him, he pauses, a soft smile forming on his lips. "Erin?" he says, his voice low and gravelly, my name sounding almost like a question.

Erin... The name feels strange on his lips. To him, I'm not Erin. I'm Ciara. I'm his sister. Without thinking, I move towards him, my steps quick and instinctive. Coming within arm's reach, I throw myself into his embrace, knowing he'll catch me, and bury my face into his chest as his arms envelop me. "Ciara," I mumble into his plaid shirt.

"Sister," he murmurs back, tugging me in closer.

We stay like that for a long time before I feel him shudder. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him," he whispers, his voice heavy with remorse. Feeling wetness on my cheeks, I realize that I'm crying. "I tried," he continues, his voice breaking, his body shaking with emotion.

"I know," I sob back, not fully recalling the specific moment he's referring to, but understanding the depth of his dedication to protecting me. Drawing back and looking up at him, I see my brother—the boy who shielded me during our father's rages, the boy who endured beatings to keep me safe. "I've missed you," I confess, the words carrying more weight than I anticipated as they escape my lips.

"You have no idea how long I've dreamt of this moment," he tells me, lifting his hand to wipe away my tears. "I have my family back."

Letting him pull me back in, we hold each other for what feels like forever when another large body wraps around ours.

"Group hug," Shay's words bounce around the room as he smells my hair and groans, "Tiger, why do you smell like King Dick?"

"Seriously! You can smell that?" I ask incredulously. I had a 30-minute shower and scrubbed myself almost raw, trying to avoid this exact conversation.

"Shay, don't speak of your cousin that way," Griffin chides, letting me go and giving his friend a playful shove.

"Seriously! You too?" I groan, watching Griffin shrug.

Ignoring Shay's remark, I stand my ground confidently, refusing to be fazed by his words. With a raised eyebrow, I meet his gaze head-on, considering his towering stature compared to mine even with my boots on. "Jealous?" I challenge, smirking defiantly.

"In another life, Tiger, I'd be all in! But right now, I'm more worried than envious," Shay replies, his words sounding cryptic. "Another life?" I wonder silently, puzzled by his remark. I notice him exchange a glance with Griffin, who shakes his head in response, prompting Shay to look away.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now