Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter 44

Rileys POV: 

I woke up the next morning in a panic, my breathing rapped. I looked around realizing it was only a dream when my eyes landed on Liam still beside me with a blanket now covering my bottom half. 

I smiled weakly as my breath started to calm down and scooted closer to him pulling the blanket over Liam's bare chest, wrapping myself around him. 

I could feel the bus move over every bump and rock it hit as I listened to the world around me. I looked up at Liam's peaceful face. His eyelashes were long, the ends kissing the tops of his cheeks, his mouth lay slightly open as little puffs of air escaped. 

What did I do to deserve you? I wondered, watching Liam. 

Today is a new day and will be different. 

Liam and the boys did exactly as they said. They protected me. Josh couldn't come anywhere need me. They even had a code word with Paul. It's time I take control of things. Take back my life and not worry about him. 

He is in the past and I need to look to the future. 

I made a promise to myself right then that I would no longer cower in the sight of Josh. That he could no longer take control of my life and that I was going to be as strong as I could be from now on. 

Easier said than done, but hey, it's a start.

I felt good as the smile on my face got stronger. I nuzzled my head into Liam's chest, closing my eyes again. "I love you," I whispered, happy I could say those words and mean them again. I was slowly taking back my life and Liam was there to help me along.

When I woke a second time I was alone and the bus had stopped. Confused, I got up wrapping the blanket around me, and walked down the stairs. As I got closer to the bottom of the steps I could hear faint laughter and scream coming from outside. 

I walked over to a window and looked out to see the boys kicking around a football in some blocked-off parking lot as some of the staff stood off to the side watching the game and having a laugh. We must have stopped to give the drivers a break. 

A small smile crept onto my face as I saw the boys having a great time.

I watched as Zayn put the ball into the imaginary goal and ran after Shannon swooping her up into a big hug. I giggled at the cuteness and the memory of Louis doing the same thing to me. I looked over at Louis as he stood next to Liam and Niall. Niall had his arm hanging around Liam's neck as they laughed. Everyone seemed so happy and here I was wrapped in a blanket covered in tear stains from the night before. 

I probably smell bad too. I should shower. 

With this thought I walked to the bathroom and started the small shower, thankful there was one at all on the bus.

I washed away the night before pretending Josh was going with it. Quickly hopping out, I dried off, putting on a pair of jean shorts and a loose plain gray t-shirt that I french tucked into the shorts. I let my hair down, having it dry naturally, and put a pair of converse on. 

Putting the arrow necklace back around my neck I took another look in the mirror before grabbing my phone and a pair of rose gold aviators. I walked off the bus into the sunlight and breathed in the fresh air. I didn't feel like trying today, honestly, I'm surprised I even got this far. 

I think everyone else was too because when I walked over to the group everyone stopped and looked at me. 

"Hey," I said softly, smiling at them. Liam's face lit up seeing my smile and walked over to me, giving me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around him without thinking before Louis coughed mentioning something about just being friends.

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang