Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter 24

I woke up the next morning still holding Louis as the night before played in my mind. I looked up at the sleeping boy and smiled to myself. I'm so lucky to have these boys. 

I stretched up and kissed his nose gently not wanting to wake him up. I was about to get out of the bunk when his raspy voice stopped me. 

"Morning love. Sleep better?" he asked as he opened his eyes. His bright light blue orbs pierced through me as he smiled. If it weren't for him being with Harry I could totally see myself actually falling for him. 

I smiled back and nodded my head answering his question. "Good, I'm glad to hear it." 

Just then my stomach made a loud growling noise that made him laugh. "Hunger are we?" he teased. 

"Maybe a little." I blushed from embarrassment.

"Well come on, let's get that pretty little stomach of yours something to eat." He started to let me go and move around. I pulled back the curtain to his bunk and hopped down out of the bed, Louis following after. 

As Louis started for the kitchen I stopped him, "Hey Lou. Thanks." I said kissing him on the cheek and hugging him. Louis smiled wider and put an arm around me leading us to the kitchen.

We walked to the front of the bus where Zayn and Shannon were making waffles. "Hey, you two! Want some waffles?" Shannon beamed as she laughed at something Zayn was saying. 

"Love some," I said, giving her a look. She smiled again and told us to sit, that the food would be ready soon before running back to Zayn.

Louis and I sat in the booth together making small talk as the rest of the boys came strolling in one by one. Liam was last to walk in which was surprising knowing he was normally the first of us all to get up. 

Now it could have been my imagination but it looked as though when walking over to sit down Liam hesitated for a second as he spotted a shirtless Louis with his arm around me laughing at a joke Harry just told but I was probably just seeing things.

"Morning Liam! You're up late!" Harry said as he sat down. 

"Didn't sleep very well last night," he said, eyeing Louis' arm around me. 

Wait, is Liam jealous? I looked at Louis as he winked at me. I guess he saw Liam's reaction too. "Here mate, have a waffle, we saved you some," Zayn said, handing him a plate. 

"Cheers" was all he said.

Liam's POV: 

I felt awful when I woke up this morning. I'm still getting used to the moving of the bus again at night so it kept me up, but what really got to me was what I saw and heard. 

It was around 3:00 am when I woke up to the bus hitting a large bump in the road. I tried to go back to sleep but was awoken even more to the sound of someone talking in the kitchen. I couldn't quite make out who it was or the conversation that was happening but I heard bits and pieces. 

As I listened I recognized one of the voices to be Riley saying something about a dream and the other person, who I could only assume was one of the boys, saying he was listening. I tried to listen closer but couldn't make anything else out until I heard Riley and them start to walk to the bunks stopping right next to mine. 

I peeked out my curtain to see Louis climbing into his bunk shirtless and Riley climbing in after him.

My heart sank at the sight. That should be me not Louis. Why is she with him? Why did she have to say the night we had at the Airbnb could never happen again? I mean I know why, but we could have worked it out, right? 

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now