Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29

"And later One Direction is here! Don't go anywhere we'll be right back!" The interviewer was talking to the camera before they went to a commercial break. 

We were backstage in a big dressing room. The boys had taken over the place, shirts and shoes were spread around the room along with Shannon and Lou's hair and makeup kits covering every surface. I walked over to Louis who was looking at the work Shannon did on his neck. 

"Not very hidden are they?" He joked leaning his head to look at the one just under his jaw. 

"I thought that was the point babe." I joked looking at him in the mirror. 

Louis chuckled and turned around to face me. "Not going to try and cover yours?" he said, looking at the spot that matched his. 

"What's the point? All the boys know about it." 

I thought about covering them but then again what really was the point. I mean the boys knew they were there and with Louis covered mostly I'm sure no one will see and if they do, that's a good thing right? We want them to think it's Liley, not Larry, that's the point of this stupid plan. Besides, it's not like I'm the one going on stage. Who's going to notice me anyway?

Leaning back on his chair he looked at me thinking. "What?" I looked around uncomfortable at the sudden attention. 

"What do I say when they ask about the pictures because you know they are going to ask about them. Simon doesn't want us to go public and confirm anything yet." He wrinkled his eyebrows and started to bite his fingernails. 

I stood pondering for a moment, "Just tell them the truth." I shrugged. 

Louis sat up straight staring at me blankly, "Not that truth!" I hit him lightly, "The truth that you and I are really good friends. That the picture was taken right after you won the football game and you got super excited." Louis relaxed and nodded. 

"Next up One Direction!" The interviewer's voice came in from the speakers, "Alright boys it's time! Head to the stage please!" the stage manager called into the dressing room waiting for the boys to escort them to the stage.

"You got this Louis. Don't overthink it. I'm here." I took his hand and repeated the words he had said to me the night of the movie. 

Recognizing the familiar phrase Louis smiled and nodded his head. "I'm here," he repeated back to me squeezing my hand before walking off with the lads. 

That phrase has become something Louis and I started to do often when we are comforting one another or when we see the other starting to feel anxious. It's kind of like our thing, letting the other know we are in this together, that it's both of us, not just one taking on this stunt. I like to think it's also our way of saying "I love you" without actually saying the words.

"Ready?" Shannon asked, grabbing my attention. 

Taking a deep breath I nodded. Shannon and I followed behind the boys to the side of the stage, some of the girls gasping and silently squealing noticing us. 

"Omg look it's Niall's sister." I heard one fan whisper to the other. "She's so perfect. Did you see the picture of her and Louis from the other day?" To this comment, I smirked. They are starting to buy it. 

Leaving Shannon, I walked over to stand next to Niall not wanting to draw any more attention to myself. I was still not used to the fame. 

"One Direction everyone!" the interviewer screamed gesturing to the side. 

The crowd of fans erupted into screams as the boys stepped onto the stage waving to the girls and greeting the interviewer as Shannon and I screamed swooning over each other and laughing mocking the fans.

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now