Chapter Four

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Happy Wednesday my little dino's :) I hope you all enjoy it!

Chapter 4

Liam's POV: 

I can't believe she is really here. It's been too long. She hasn't changed one bit. She looks absolutely stunning. Wait, no Liam, stop. You can't think like that. She is your best mate's sister, think about something else. 

"Where is she?" A voice came from the hall. I watched as Riley's face turned from happy to panic the second she heard the voice. A tall man with ginger hair walked in and walked right up to her with an angry expression on his face. 

"Josh you made it!" Riley said as she hugged him tightly. 

Who the heck is this guy? I looked at the rest of the boys to see if they had the same thoughts as me, they did. All except Niall who looked just as annoyed as this so-called Josh guy did. 

"Get your stuff, we are leaving." He said in a low voice through gritted teeth.

 "Babe we talked about this," Riley said, pulling him off to the side. Babe? Tell me this is the manipulative, aggressive, toxic boyfriend Niall was telling us all about. I gave Niall a look and he nodded his head as if he could read my thoughts. 

"What? Why does she have to leave?" Louis piped up stepping forward. 

"None of your business pipsqueak!" He shot Louis a glare and Harry had to hold him back from almost hitting this guy. Riley put a hand on Josh's arm as if to say don't.

"I know we talked about this but I don't want you to go," Josh said trying to hide his anger. He hugged her and pleaded like a five-year-old wanting a piece of candy after his mum told him no. It was quite funny actually and I tried to hold my laughter as I watched this little charade unfold. 

"I know you don't babe but I have to. I can't back out of this one I already tried."

Wait. What? She already tried? She didn't even want to come on this tour? But she just said how much she missed us. Did she lie? I mean seeing the world has always been her dream. Is she only going to get a free ride around the world? Maybe she changed more than I thought she did.

Riley used to love hanging around us. Then one day she stopped coming with Niall to rehearsals. Niall said it was because she grew tired of coming, but I never believed that for a second. Riley and I used to get on so well, we even shared a moment, well at least I thought we did, a few times here and there. We almost kissed once when watching a movie with the lads, then a few days after she stopped showing up. I always blamed myself, I'm the real reason she stopped showing up. I ruined things with her by trying to kiss her. Knew I messed up the second she got up and ran away.

The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Riley and this Josh guy were really getting into it. 

 "I said no!" Riley finally screamed, silencing the whole room. Not that it wasn't already silent, I'm not sure, I was barely paying attention. 

"Did you just use that voice with me?" Josh started to tense up and out of the corner of my eye Niall started to inch closer. He looked tense too. What was going on? I looked at the other boys as they looked as clueless as I did. 

I watched Riley shrink, "All I'm saying is I didn't get to go on my other trip around the world and I would like to go on this one. You can come visit or call anytime you want yeah?" She looked so small and ashamed. Who does this guy think he is?

"You just want to get away from me." Seriously if this kid doesn't leave soon I'm gonna knock him out. Where is Paul? 

"No! That's not it at all! I just want to see the world and this is the best way to do it. You know it's my dream. Honestly, you always do this." She was standing her ground now. So she is using us?

"When I'm going to do something good for me or something I have wanted to do for a really long time, you always try to talk me out of it. It's like I can't do anything without you and when I do, you make me feel like shit for not taking you or asking for your permission first!" Riley started to tense up now and I could feel a smirk coming onto my face that I bit back.

"Oh so now it's my fault?" Josh threw his arms out to the side. 

"NO! I-" Riley flinched at his movement and tiers started to stream down her face. I watched as Josh softened instantly. 

"Babe don't cry. I'm sorry, I just don't want you to go. It will be so lonely without you." He pulled Riley into a hug. What just happened? 

"I know but I'll call every day like I always do and we can even arrange for you to come to a show at some point to see me yeah?" She looked so helpless crying. I just wanted to take her way.

 "Alright." He pulled her in for one last hug and kissed the top of her head. 

"I love you" I heard him say. 

"I love you too," she said back hesitantly. It would have been a cute moment if only two things didn't sit right with me. First, they were just having a screaming match not even two seconds ago, and second, the way Riley froze at his words as if in shock. Oh Riley, what does this guy do to you?

Super short I know. I'm Sorry! 

Well, now we know how Liam feels. Wonder what will happen between Riley and him. This Josh kid is shady don't you think? See you next time! Don't forget to comment as you read so I know what your thinking!

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now