Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

It was now 8:00 am and we all just got done being lectured by "Daddy Paul", who decided today was a good day to go over the rules...again, nearly putting all of us back to sleep in the process.

We all went back to our rooms to gather the rest of our things and met in the hall. All the boys kept giving me concerned looks, that is all except for Liam, who ignored my presence altogether.

Why do they all keep looking at me like that? 

We headed to the car and piled in with all our luggage. Harry and Niall sat up front, Liam and Zayn were in the middle with Louis and me in the back. 

We were about halfway there when Louis turned to me, "Psst Riley," he said in a low whisper so no one else could hear. 

I looked at him curiously, "You ok? Like actually ok? We heard you and Niall fighting last night." He looked at me as if a small child was getting into something he knew he shouldn't have. 

I just smiled at him, "Yeah we're good, he and i...wait what do you mean we?" 

It had just occurred to me that Louis was speaking for more than one person. 

"Yeah, all four of us heard you and Niall fighting last night. Just wanted to make sure you both are alright."

I stared at him blinking, all four of them? As in him, H, Zayn, and Liam? Oh great. Just great. No wonder everyone is treating me like a bomb that is about to explode any second. 

"Oh that," I was trying to laugh it off, "no, yeah, Niall and I are good. He was just talking some sense into me on why I needed to leave Josh." I said casually. 

Liam shifted in the seat in front of me. 

"Did you?" Louis leaned even closer to me, keeping his voice in a very low whisper. 

I smiled at him and nodded my head. Lou did a dance in his seat and hugged me, "I'm so happy for you! I never liked that guy you know." 

I laughed, "Lou you barely knew him."

"Doesn't matter, I knew you weren't happy with him the second I saw you together. I knew you were just trying to please him to keep him calm or whatever with what you told him." 

It was my turn to look at Louis, with what I told him? What does that mean? 

"Uh nevermind that last part." He said, turning to look back out the window realizing he said too much. 

"Lou, what do you mean?" I asked him. 

"Nope, that is a conversation for you and Liam." He whispered, then looked at me and added, "you two really need to talk." 

So Louis sees it too? 

 "I know we do and I'm trying, it's just every time w-" I was cut off by screaming fans chasing the car as we pulled into the gates of the arena. 

"Alright when we unload take your stuff to the tour bus, then it's off to rehearsal for the five of you," Paul yelled from the driver's seat. 

"Talk to him Ri, and soon," that was the end of our conversation. No matter how hard I tried to push Louis on the matter he wouldn't say anymore.

It felt like non-stop moving once we got out of the car. It was, go, go, go, all the way up until "fifteen minutes to stage!" one of the stage crew called as the boys were getting dressed. 

I sat in a chair just outside the dressing rooms scrolling through Twitter when I heard a crash, laughter, and a door opening followed by yelling. 

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now