Chapter Seven

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It's Wednesday my little dino's! Hope you like chapter 7 :)

Chapter 7

Liam POV: "As for hanging around you boys 24/7 again, it has been amazing. I missed you all so much." Riley smiled at us. 

Yeah right. Missed us so much. Not what I heard you tell your boyfriend. I was annoyed, she comes in after not being in our lives for a year and a half, pretends everything is fine like we just hung out the other day, then tells her boyfriend she don't even want to go on this trip, not to mention the conversation I overheard her say on the balcony at the hotel, and now she is acting like this is the best thing that has ever happened? I don't get her. "Liam are you alright mate?" Zayn leaned over and whispered in my ear. 

"Yeah totally." I lied. 

"Liam, I know you're lying." Damn, why is it I can never lie to these boys. "Something just isn't sitting right with me is all."

I was about to spill my thoughts to Zayn when Lou, our hairstylist, walked in. "Alright boys I have some new thoughts on the hair this time around. Everyone backstage so Shannon and I can try them out!" She shouted from the side stage door leading to the back. 

"We'll talk about it later, yeah?" Zayn said, giving me a smile and walked off with Louis with a little bounce in his step. I shook my head, he heard the name Shannon and he's gone. I got up and Harry put his arm around me as we walked. "You alright mate?" What, is there an echo in here? "Yeah fine just a lot on my mind. Zayn and I already talked." I said in hopes that he would drop the conversation. He nodded taking the hint and walked off with Niall.

I was the only one left now just standing on the stage. I like to sometimes stand up here alone, really take in all that will happen on this stage tomorrow night. "Liam?" I froze at the sound of her voice. Please don't be Riley, please don't be Riley. Knowing full well it was Riley, I turned on my heels. My eyes met a worried looking Riley looking back at me. 

"What." I said not trying to sound cold, still thinking back to what she said. She took a step back at my words. Guess it didn't work

I know I'm probably being a little harsh but it hurts. We were so close, how do you just say something so casually in front of someone's face and act like nothing happened? How do you just up and leave without so much as a goodbye? Not talk or show your face for a full year and a half then out of nowhere come back like all is fine and dandy? 

"Um...I was just wondering if you were alright. You seemed upset." She looked down at her shoes. "But um...nevermind I see you're busy and whatever..." She started to talk away. Great. Way to go Payno.

"Riley wait!" The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. She turned around, hope in her eyes overlapped with hurt. 

"Im sorry. I'm just confused and frustrated is all." 

Liam stop talking before you say something you may regret! 

"I'm really glad you're here." 

She is your best mate's sister! Shut up! 

She smiled at me and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. 

"I'm glad I'm here too." 

There it was again, what is this feeling? There was an awkward silence before I couldn't hold in my thoughts anymore. "Wouldn't you rather be with your boyfriend?" I mentally facepalmed. Way to go Liam now she will never talk to you again.

"Well actually I-" My head shot up at what she was about to say when she got cut off by Niall coming in. 

"Payno! If you are not in your seat in the next ten seconds Lou is going to lose it!" He was gone just as soon as he came. 

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now