Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22


"Riley, we forgot the popcorn! Come help me yeah?" Louis smirked but I could tell it was a little forced. 

Let the 'game' begin? I smiled at him and got up following him to the kitchen leaving the boys on the couch watching a random movie. 

I reached the kitchen and found Louis digging through the cabinets to find popcorn and snacks. "Yes?" I said knowing he called me in for a reason. 

"Okay before you say no, hear me out. I got a call from Simon the other day and as much as I hate this idea and want to say no to him I can't." Louis looked down at the snack bag he had in his hands as if it was going to tell the story for him. 

"Lou, what are you on about? What idea?" I encouraged him to go on. 

Louis took a deep breath and in a small voice mumbled, "since you and I are close and the fans already think we have a thing Simon wants us to go with it to keep them from finding out about Harry and me." I blinked processing what he was saying.

"I already talked to Harry about it. All we have to do is get real close. Like we have been but only in levels. Like level one is we become more touchy and lovey like the beginning of a relationship. We start to hang more, be seen by everyone together everywhere, do things alone together, have inside jokes, hold hands, and whatever. We start calling each other babe and whisper talk like we are now." Louis finished explaining and looked at me, a tear in his eye.

I blinked at him waiting for the punchline. Seeing there was none and he was being dead serious I spoke. "So let me get this straight. Simon wants us to fake a relationship so fans wont find out you and Harry are together? That's messed up Lou! I hope you said no." 

I tried to keep calm as I processed what Louis was telling me. Even if I did agree to this, it seemed risky and not believable. 

"I said yes sadly." Louis looked like he was about to cry. 

"Louis, why would you do that?" I almost screamed at him. 

"I had to! We are under contract and if we break it, it could be bye bye One Direction! I can't say no! It's why only a handful of people know about H and I in the first place! You only know because it accidentally slipped out! Besides, we don't want to make a big deal about it and management is after us enough as is after my 'break up' with Eleanor." Louis looked desperate as he spoke.

"Look I wouldn't ask if I knew another way around it. Please, Riley. I can't lose him or this band," Louis paused looking down at the bowl of popcorn. 

"Please Ri, do this for us?" he looked up and gave the face I could never say no to. 

Louis looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and I could see every truth in him on how he felt for the long-haired curly-headed boy. This meant everything to him and who am I to break that up? 

"Alright Lou, I'll do it." I gave a soft smile. Louis' face lit up a little and he brought me in for a big hug making me chuckle. He is so lovable, I can't.

Louis pulled away and kissed my nose mumbling a thank you. "So when does this 'relationship' start?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night, after the show I'll call Simon and get more details. For now, we just have to get the boys and the rest of the world to think a romance is brewing." Louis answered, grabbing as many snakes as he could. 

"Wait, the lads can't know it's fake?" I wondered. 

"No, they don't even know about Harry and me. Simon says it's for the better if they don't know, makes it more believable that way when we get asked questions in interviews about relationships they can't stutter over words or whatever, so we have to act around them too." He looked at the ground. 

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now