Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25

Riley's POV: 

I stood under the warm water not wanting to get out. Thoughts of Liam's face seeing Lou and Me together kept popping up. 

Was Liam jealous? Does he actually have feelings for me? He has to feel something right? He wouldn't have acted that way if he didn't. Then again it could all be in my head. What if he actually doesn't? 

I took a deep breath and put my face under the water one last time before turning it off. I need to talk to Shannon.

I got out and dried off, changing into a floral print romper and loosely putting my hair into a side braid. I looked in the mirror and put a light layer of makeup on, looking for any remaining mark of Liam's lovebites. Finding the smallest spot I decided it wasn't noticeable enough and let it go, put everything away, and left the bathroom. 

"Finally! You take forever!" Niall complained, scooting by me and closing the bathroom door. I stuck my tongue out at him rolling my eyes and turned to go find Shannon. 

I walked to the back of the bus to find her sitting with the rest of the boys watching some tv show about fixer-upper houses.

Shannon was sitting next to Zayn, who had his arm up over the couch near her as Harry and Louis sat opposite them on the other couch. Liam was on the floor propped up next to Zayn's feet. 

"Riley come join us!" Shannon smiled, patting the seat next to her noticing me walk in. 

"What are we watching?" I smiled walking over to Shannon taking her offer. 

"Some show where they find crap houses and fix them up for people," Louis said, turning his head and looking at me, his mouth dropping as he laid eyes on me. 

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat looking around, "What?"

"I'll tell you what! You look so good, that's what!" He exclaimed as I blushed. 

I knew Louis's comment was meant in a friendly gesture but I couldn't help but feel giddy inside. Josh never said or noticed those kinds of things so to hear it was strange. 

"Thanks, Lou," I said in a whisper looking at the ground.

The room fell silent, everyone turning back to the show when I felt my phone go off. I looked down to see a text from Louis in the group chat.

Louis: Looks like Liam thinks so too ;)

I looked up to see Liam glancing at me before looking away noticing he had been caught. I looked at Louis who had a big grin on his face. I opened my phone and relayed,

Riley: I think your comment got to him a little.

Louis read the text and slightly nodded his head, smirking showing the text to Harry who didn't feel like pulling his phone out. Harry looked at me and nodded in agreement doing a little dance. They are so cute.

Niall had come back to join us, we sat in silence a little longer until we felt the bus stop. Looking around we heard the doors open and Paul walked on. 

"Aright, bus break!" Paul yelled from the front. 

"Finally! I'm dying from a game of football!" Louis yelled hopping off the couch and running off the bus. 

Harry chuckled and got up following behind with Zayn and Niall. Liam was the last to get up turning to look at Shannon and me before he left. 

"You girls coming?" He asked looking at me. 

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora