Chapter Forty

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Chapter 40

We reached the new venue location at 7:00 am. The boys were shuffled off the bus to wardrobe as soon as we got there for a live interview that was taking place in an hour and a half. 

I waited by the van knowing it would be go, go, go as soon as the lads were done. 

Shannon had to help Lou with hair and cleaning so she won't be able to go, and with the interview being a live show and having a "carpet walk" from the van to the front door, I volunteered to stay at the venue. 

This is their tour, I'm just tagging along dating two people at once. I'm going to be so bored. I thought as the side door to the stadium opened, Louis and Liam stepped out. My jaw dropped at the sight of Liam. He looked so good in his black skinny jeans, a fitting white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His arrow tattoo showing as the sleeves to the jacket came to his midarm. I swear if we were alone I would have jumped on him right there.

I watched him as he walked toward me and stripped him with my eyes. "Careful love you might hurt yourself." Louis joked walking up to me. I couldn't look away and was tempted to reach out and touch him. Thankfully for Louis, he realized and grabbed my hand just in time. 

You can never be too careful when not within a closed private place, cameras and fans are everywhere. Better safe than sorry is what the boys and I all agreed on. 

The three of us stood in silence for a few minutes before Louis tapped his pockets. "You know what, I forgot my phone in the dressing rooms. I'll be right back." Turning around, he walked back towards the doors giving us a wink as he went. 

"He does realize his phone is sitting right there, right?" Liam spoke up pointing to Louis's phone sitting in the cupholder of the van.

I laughed and turned back to Liam, "What a friend." I said shoving my hands into my pockets before I did something stupid. I had told Liam about my "date" with Louis and how he found out about us last night on the tour bus when we suck upstairs. Liam smiled, catching on that our friend was giving us a few minutes to ourselves. "You look amazing by the way," I said eyeing him again wishing I had the superpower to undress him with just one glance. 

Liam met my gaze and smirked, "So do you babe." he said with a wink. Butterflies flew in my stomach at the nickname and bit my lip wanting so badly just to hold and kiss him. Liam opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off by the sound of the side door and four boys.

"Silly me, it was here the whole time," Louis smirked at Liam and me as he walked passed climbing into his seat followed by Zayn, Harry, and Niall. I shook my head but smiled, taking a mental note to thank him later for being the best person in the world.

I waved and told them not to have too much fun without me before Paul drove off. Great, now what do I do? I stuck my hands back in my pockets and walked around the stadium to kill some time before watching the boys on the tv. Pulling out my phone I uploaded a picture to my Instagram story of the stage commenting how I couldn't wait to see it filled with fans later.

The fans were starting to grow on me and I want to give them as much content into the backstage life as possible. 

I see why Niall talks about them so often, I mean they are the reason my brother has a job in the first place. They care so deeply for these boys and I can tell the boys try their best every day to return the favor by thanking them as much as possible, stopping for pictures, and autographs when they can. It's all five of their favorite parts of the job, I think it is mine too. It is so fun to talk with them, get to know them a little, just like we did with Kat when she spotted Shannon and me. Seeing the reaction after they meet their idol is the best thing in the world.

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now