Chapter three

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Happy Wednesday everyone! I think Wednesdays will be the days I upload a new chapter! Hope you enjoy :)


Chapter 3

I woke up to my phone alarm to finish the last minute packing and had just zipped my suitcase when the doorbell rang. It was 1:55 am. 

"Riley, that's Paul, you ready?" Niall called as he went for the door. 

Before I could answer I heard Niall scream for joy and a grunt. He must have jumped into Paul's arms because a second later I heard Paul tell him to get down and that we don't have time for this. He really is a second dad to the boys, I thought as I pulled my stuff into the hall toward the front door. 

"Hey, Paul." I said with a sleepy smile. 

"Wow, Riley is that you?" Paul did one of those I haven't seen you in forever, how have you been, look how big you have gotten, speeches. I smiled. 

"Think you got enough stuff Ri?" Niall asked as he looked at my extra-large suitcase. 

"Well excuse me for not knowing what to bring." I playfully snapped back. Both of them chuckled as Paul took Niall and I's bags to the car waiting in the drive. I'll admit I missed joking around with him. I smiled to myself as we walked out the door leaving an empty house for the summer.

We reached the airport around four in the morning. I couldn't get any shuteye on the way because Paul and Niall were talking so loud about how excited they were to go to some new places they never been. Niall was almost bouncing out of his seat when we got to the car park, he couldn't wait to see the boys. It had been less than a month and he would not shut up about them on the rare occasion when he was home. I couldn't help but smile though, ever since they became a group they did everything together. I'm so thankful for the boys and how they all look after him, even if he's not the youngest in the group.

Paul led us through the front doors, some fans were out but not too many thank the lord. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. We walked down a hallway and around a few corners when finally we walked through the last set of doors. There in the middle of the room kicking around a football were four boys, smiling and knocking each other over. I smiled to myself as I watched them. They looked like they didn't have a care in the world, like they have been best mates since the beginning of time. 

"Niall!" Zayn screamed realizing we walked in. All the boys stopped and turned. Next thing I know they are all hugging, fake crying, and falling to the ground from jumping up and down. I just laughed and rolled my eyes. Nothing ever changes. I smiled to myself but suddenly wiped it away when my phone went off and I saw who was on the screen. It was Josh calling. Carp, I forgot to tell him I was leaving early.

I stepped out into the hall, "H- Hello?", I tried to stay calm. 

"Where are you?", the voice on the other end rang in my ear. 

"I got off work early and came straight to your house. I'm outside and no one is home. We planned on meeting early today before you left.", he clearly was not happy and I was about to make things worse. 

"I'm so sorry babe. I meant to call and tell you, we already left.", stay calm

"What do you mean you left?", Oh boy. Just breath

"We had a change of plans in the schedule and I'm already at the airport." Silence, nothing but silence came from the other end of the phone. I stood there waiting for something, anything. 

"I knew this was a bad idea. I'm coming to get you" There it was. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for him to say it, after all this is how I didn't end up going on the other trip. 

"Josh please don't. There is nothing you can do. I'm already here." I tried to reason with him but he had already hung up.

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. That is all I could think about walking back into the room as I heard my name being called with a hand waving in front of my face. 

"Oii earth to Riley!" Louis stood there looking at me.

 "Huh? Oh, hey Louis." I pulled the fake smile back onto my face. 

"Ah so you do remember us. You alright? Who was that on the phone? Do I need to kick some ass?" Louis went on and on with questions. 

"Louis shut up and let the girl speak would ya? Man you don't see her for a year and a half and this is the first thing you say?" Harry said, pulling Louis out of my face. 

"What would you rather me pin her to the wall and kiss her?" Louis smirked at me as Harry rolled his eyes. I laughed knowing that is something Louis used to actually do just to get a reaction out of the boys, though the kiss was never real. It also was to shut management up, but that's another story.

"Hi Riley. How are you?", he asked. I smiled, he was always so sweet. 

"Hi, Harry it's good to see you. I'm good. Excited for the tour and to see the world finally." As I said this all four of the boys looked at me. 

"You're excited? As in you are coming?" Zayn said with excitement like a little kid on Christmas. Wait do they not know I was going with them? I looked at Niall who was facepalming himself. 

"Oh, I knew I forgot something. Yeah, Riley will be joining us for the summer." He said to the boys as joy came across his face. I looked at all of them and found the same expression. Maybe this won't be so bad. Just like old times. Right? 

"Just like old time!" Harry smiled saying my thoughts. 

"Yeah only this time try not to be as disgusting on the tour bus." I joked.

My eyes suddenly fell on Liam who had been standing there silently the whole time. 

"What's a matter Li? Cat got your tongue?" He looked panicked when I called him out. 

"No. I was just thinking about our schedule and how we should gather everything to leave soon." He looked around the room and started for his bags. 

"Liam, relax mate." Zayn put an arm around his shoulder. 

"We will be on time don't you worry. Paul has it covered." I was about to make a joke when I heard a voice coming down the hall. Crap, carp, carp. "Where is she?" I spun around and came face to face with an angry looking Josh. He got here fast.


Yay all the boys! (I want Zayn in the story so deal with it *humph*) I hope you liked chapter 3, I know its short, im working on that. Anyway, what do you think Josh will do? Like, why you mad bro? (I know why hehe) What about the Louis and Riely thing? (You find more out about that story later) Liam was quiet when he saw Riley, interesting. So many questions. See you next time my little Dino's!

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now