Chapter Ten

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Hello! Enjoy another chapter!

Chapter 10

We reached the arena and all piled out of the cramped car. One of the arena crew members was leading us inside when a loud horn was heard coming around the corner. The boys started hooting and hollering as a big black and red bus came into view. 

"Our tour bus!" Louis shouted. 

"It looks sick!" Zayn added. 

"Man i've missed that thing." Harry joined. 

I waited to hear what Niall and Liam would add but they had already started for the bus. I will admit, it was nice to see the bus after all this time. Especially if that meant not sitting in a cramped car again. It really is a love hate on how we move around.

I followed the boys into the bus and many memories of the first tour I ever went on with them came flooding back. I giggled to myself as I looked around. Zayn had already found his bed and was climbing in, Louis and Harry were figuring out if their beds would still be best to talk to each other late at night. Niall was looking in the fridge in the kitchen and Liam was in the very back of the tour bus sitting on the couch. 

Talk to him. The voice in my head spoke up. Before I could stop myself I was heading to the back of the bus and sitting in the seat across from him. 

"Hey" I muttered. 

Liam looked up from his phone and met my eyes. There was a strange feeling in my stomach as I stared. 

"Hi" he finally spoke looking back down at his phone. 

I shifted slightly in my seat. "Um, what's up? Haven't seen much of you all day." 

I mentally facepalmed. 

Of course not, the day just started! Way to go Riley. 

I looked at him longing for him to look back up at me, to talk to me, hug me, anything.

Liam just sat there looking down. 

"Ok, I see you want to be alone so I'll just...I'll just go." Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. 

I left the room holding back tiers. What did I do? I walked to the front of the bus where Niall was sitting eating a sandwich. I sat down next to him and stole it out of his hands.

 "Hey!" Niall began but stopped when he saw my face. 

If Niall remembered anything about me, it was that food was my comfort when I was really upset, also how you know I'm his sister. 

"What happened?" He spoke in a low tone not to alarm the others as protective Niall came through. I took another bite of the sandwich and looked at him. 

"I think i'm ready for that talk now," I said handing it back. 

Niall gave a small smile and added "Alright, tonight then, yeah? Just you and I like old times. We'll stay in, order a pizza, and talk." I smiled at him and gave him a hug, a few tears escaping my eyes. This. This is what I have been missing for so long.

I stayed in Niall's arms for what seemed like forever when Paul walked on. 

"Alright off the bus!" he called looking at a piece of paper in his hands. 

"You boys need to be in wardrobe and hair in ten minutes. Then you need to go do a mic check and warm-up." 

Paul went on and on about how the night was going to go. The boys all just looked at one another and rolled their eyes. This was not the first show the boys had done. The schedule was always the same but Paul felt the need to go through the schedule every time, I think more for him than anyone else.

We got off the bus and headed for the doors that would lead us into the arena. The boys all headed for their dressing rooms so I decided to take a walk and peek out onto the stage to see if anyone was in there. To my surprise, some fans had been let in and I could see some had signs that said something along the lines of 'Zayn we love you'! or 'It's my birthday!' It looked like they were hoping set up another fan project. I smiled and walked back toward the main room where everyone met to chill before the show. 

I was halfway there when I heard someone call Josh, the band's drummer, to come help set something up. I stopped dead in my tracks at the name and the thought hit me that I hadn't heard from MY Josh yet today, which was strange considering how many times he called yesterday. I pulled out my phone to double-check this fact and, yup nothing. I continued to walk down the hall still looking at my phone when I took a wrong turn without knowing that I was headed straight into Louis' dressing room.

When I looked up and finally realized where I was, turning to leave I found a shirtless Louis standing in the doorway. 

"Well, well, well," he said in a teasing voice. "Come to see more of the show?" I rolled my eyes. I was in no mood for his games at the moment. 

Why have I gone a full morning with no word from Josh? Yeah, there is a time difference but that normally doesn't stop him from calling, clearly didn't last night. 

"Oh come on it's not fun when you don't play along." he teased again. 

"Fine." I sighed. Maybe it will be a good distraction from everything. 

"You know I'll always come back for more," I gave him a smirk moving closer. "I honestly just can't get enough." I pushed him up against the wall and touched my nose to his. 

He started to look around in a panic, never having gone this far. I looked at him with a playful, I'm just messing, look and that's when it was my turn to panic. The next thing I knew I was the one up against the wall and he was the one with a hand on my face, holding my waist as our lips were inches apart.

"Well Lou, I didn't know you had it in you?" Impressed with how close he was, I could feel his breath as I looked down at his lips that had turned into a devilish smirk. 

Now I know what you are thinking but, no. Louis is like a brother to me, we have never looked at each other in that way and I never would. Don't get me wrong I would be the luckiest girl in the world, but we just never felt that way with each other. We just liked to mess around to see the reaction of others who walked in on our charade, not knowing what to do with themself when they saw us. Not knowing how to react when they figured out it was Niall's sister close and personal with one of his bandmates in private. Just our luck that this time it was not only my brother but Liam too.

Standing in the hall, just coming out of their dressing rooms, getting ready to head to the stage. Liam stopped mid-sentence and froze. 

"Get off my sister!" Niall screamed and threw an empty water bottle at Louis. 

Louis laughed moving away from me but whispering just loud enough for others to hear the word 'later' and gave me a wink. 

"You are so dead Tomlinson!" Niall yelled, starting to chase Louis down the hall. 

Liam stood there looking like he had just seen a ghost or that someone just told him something really mean because his face was both hurt and furious at the same time. 

"Five minutes to stage!" Someone called. 

Zayn and Harry came running past Liam talking about some part of the show.

We stood there with our eyes locked on each other. I was about to speak but before I could say anything my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked down. 

"Hey, babe," I said, looking back up and locking back on Liam's gaze. 

These words seemed to be the last straw with him or maybe he was being waved down by one of the boys because he stormed off. Great, can this night get any worse?

There you go! Hope you liked Chapter nine and ten! Maybe Ill start uploading chapters two at a time on Wednesdays. Let me know what you thought in the comments.

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now