Start from the beginning

Meeting his gaze with wide eyes, we both inhale deeply. "What do you plan to do?" Ciara asks, her voice quivering, her lips trembling.

Alexei's expression softens, and he gives her a gentle smile. "Nothing harmful, I just want to hold your hand."

"Alright," Ciara whispers in response, and a sinking feeling settles in my stomach.

Removing one of his leather gloves, he shudders. "Do you feel that?"

She shrugs, "Feel what?"

Alexei shakes his head and bites his bottom lip. "Nothing." Reaching out, he gently takes her hand, and Ciara's body lightly jolts as their flesh touches. "Extraordinary," Alexei murmurs, his eyes filled with wonder as he looks at their combined hands.

"It hurts," Ciara whimpers, tears welling in her eyes.

"Just a little longer," Alexei speaks, his voice taking on a trance-like quality, and I sense he's about to lose control.

Without hesitation, I move toward them, attempting to pull the younger me out of his grip. But my hand passes right through them, and I cry out in frustration. Turning back, I see the sparks in Alexei's eyes, knowing I'm powerless to stop what's about to happen.

Both Ciara and I scream.


My head throbs, and I realize I'm no longer in Griffin's treehouse living room but lying in a soft, comfortable bed. The familiar scent of jasmine and orchid fills my senses – Isla's fragrance.

As I sit up, groaning, I survey the room. It exudes a feminine charm, decorated in creams, pinks, and greys. The space is stylish yet whimsical, with fairy lights dangling from wooden beams above. At the foot of the bed, Isla sits on a woolen crocheted chair swing, her dark eyes wide as she watches me, a small red book resting in her hand.

"How long was I out?" I manage, my speech still groggy as I attempt to orient myself.

Tilting her head, Isla responds with a gentle smile. Fortunately, her eyes exude warmth, unlike the unsettling gaze of her younger self. "It's almost dawn," she informs me, then nods to herself, indicating that I must have been asleep for quite some time.

Observing her heading towards the door, I see she's wearing running clothes. "Where are you off to?" I ask, shuddering at the idea of the cold weather awaiting outside.

With a grin, she glances back at me. "To run." Without pausing for a reply, she leaves.

Perplexed, I shake my head and gingerly slide off the bed. Noticing myself in a pair of Ava's pajamas, I sigh, wondering who had the task of changing me. Stumbling toward the double window, I peer down just as Isla steps out, Shay and Griffin standing by. Before they can utter a word, Isla bolts away, her speed nearly imperceptible, and the others dash after her.

Shaking my head once more, convinced I must have imagined it, I climb back into bed and drift off to sleep.


The aroma of something sweet and tantalizing rouses me from a dreamless sleep. Blinking against the morning sun that bathes the room, I sit up, stretching languidly before slipping out of bed, drawn by the scent.

In the kitchen, Shay, Ava, and Isla are already seated at the table, while Griffin bustles about serving breakfast. "Morning, Tiger. Rest well?" Shay grins as I stumble into a vacant chair.

In the blink of an eye, a steaming cup of coffee is placed before me, perfectly brewed to my liking. Griffin offers a tentative smile as I wrap my hands around the warm mug, taking a grateful sip.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now