Coming out | Lily Chen X F! Reader

Start from the beginning

Alec pauses, "Just be careful, the rouge fledglings are dangerous."

"I will, thanks Alec."


"Here's the plan, we don't want to overwhelm the fledgling, so Y/n you need to stay hidden, and there will only be three vampires visible to the fledgling.  If the three are compromised, that's when the rest of you come in.  Remember, we're trying not to overwhelm the fledgling.  So keep them calm," Lily explains.

The rest of the vampires and I nod in agreement.

"Okay good, I'll be one of the three, does anyone else volunteer?"

Two vampires I don't know, raise their hands and Lily nods an okay.


I was perched on one of the railings that boarded the catwalks.  My perch was the highest I could get, because I didn't want the fledgling to hear my heart, or worse, my blood rushing through my veins.

Lily stands in the middle of the floor, and I know she looks beautiful, even from my height.

I shake my head, distractions are deadly when you're on a mission.  Not even five minutes later, the rouge fledgling enters the building.

"Liam, it's good to see you again," Lily says, without any emotion.

The rouge snarls, baring his fangs, preparing to move.  Which way, I don't know.

"I need you to calm down, and we'll get you something to eat."

As Lily takes a step towards the fledgling, he releases another snarl, and prowls forward.

The rouge lounges, and I leap off the railing and into the fangs of the fledgling, who bites off part of my  leg, because I didn't manage to land in time.

I don't remember what happened after, because I passed out due to blood loss, but the next thing I remember is Lily repeating my name, over and over.

"Lily, I've got Y/n, you can let go."

"Can you heal her here?"

"There's no time," Alec insists.

"Just let me know when she's alright."

Then I'm enveloped into darkness again.

"Y/n?  Can you hear me?" I hear a voice ask.

I slowly open my eyes, before closing them due to the blinding lights.

"Good, you're awake."

This time, I open my eyes for real, and see the other Shadowhunters, plus Magnus, surrounding me.

I bolt up, "Is Lily okay?"

The others share a look and Izzy says, "Lily's fine."

"I need to see her," I exclaim, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and I barely recognize the iratze rune drawn on my calf.

"Y/n, you need to rest," Clary murmurs.

"No," I deny, "I need to see Lily."

The others share another look before Magnus says, "We can send a fire message to Lily, and she can meet us in the Sanctuary."

"Yes, wait 'us'?"

"Your leg was just bitten by a vampire, we're not letting you go anywhere until you're healed.  You're lucky we're letting you go to the Sanctuary."

I frown, "Fine."

By the end of the hour, I was in the Sanctuary waiting for Lily.

She arrives, pushing the door open, and once she's fully in the Sanctuary, I throw myself at her.

"You're alright!"

"What happened?"

"We managed to get control, but that's not important.  You idiotic Shadowhunter had to jump in front of a blood-lusting vampire!  You could have died!  What would have happened then?  Do you think of anyone but yourself?  I-"

I interrupt Lily, by slamming my lips onto hers, and Lily relaxes.  Our kiss was interrupted by a cough.   A cough that had Lily and I whirling around to see my friends staring at us.

"Well, that was an interesting way of coming out," Lily remarks.

"Actually, we all already knew," Jace says casually.

"What?" I exclaim.

"Jace!  You weren't supposed to say anything!" Clary yells.

"What?  Y/n kept disappearing, it wasn't hard to tell."

"Why didn't you guys say anything?"

"We wanted you to feel comfortable telling us," Izzy says.

"Then you sort of kissed Lily, so," Simon shrugs.

"You're not mad?"

"Y/n, I am gay, they can't accept me, and not accept you," Alec replies.

"Oh guys!" I rush to give them a group hug, which they accept, though Jace complained until accepting the hug.

"This is gross.  Please stop," Lily remarks.

"Are you sure you want this one?" Jace asks.

"I can, and will, rip out your throat," Lily threatens.

"Baby," I call and Lily softens, looking at me.


Happy pride, y'all!  I know it's near the end of the month, but I've been working on this for a long time. 

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