Feast of Starlight| Legolas X Reader

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Aragorn and Arwen are not married yet! 


"Y/n L/n, you have been invited to the Feast of Starlight hosted by Lord Elrond in Rivendell," the messenger exclaims, handing me a scroll. 

"Thank you, messenger," I say, taking the beautiful scroll from the messenger. "Please tell Lord Elrond, that I will be there." 

I was expecting this invitation for weeks since Elrond always invites those who have visited Rivendell in the past. 

"Of course. Would you be interested in knowing who else has agreed to make an appearance?" 

"You're going to Mirkwood next?" I ask. 


"Come in," I say with a smile, "I just made some tea, you can tell me who all is coming to the ball." 

"Thank you," the messenger breathes out with a relieved smile. 


I soon made my journey to the Lands of Elrond and was met with the new king of Gondor. 

"King Aragorn," I say with a bow. 

"Hello, Y/n. You know that you do not have to do that, you've saved my life multiple times throughout our journey." 

"And you have saved mine more times that I have counted, so I believe that your argument is invalid." 

"Fine, you are a friend. Friends should not bow to each other." 

"Then why have you bowed to me?" I question. 

"You were the child of my host." 

"And you seem to have many excuses for that moment." 

"How are you?" Aragorn asks, changing the subject. 

"That was very subtle, my lord," I comment with a grin. 

"Just as subtle as your crush on a fellow elf." 

I gasp dramatically, "You promised not to tell!" 

"Just the same as always," Aragorn says with a chuckle. 

"Forever," I say, winking. 

"I believe that to be true, you will be the same Y/n for the rest of your immortal life." 

"I shall certainly try." 

"Why don't you travel with me?" 

"My lord!" I gasp. "You are being awfully forward!" 

"Just ride with me," Aragorn rolls his eyes. 

"Or what?" 

"Or I shall tell someone something you don't want them knowing." 

"You are cruel," I say, pulling my horse alongside Aragorn's. 

"How are you getting along?" 

"I have been appointed the official ambassador of Rivendell." 

"That's amazing, Y/n." 

"I have not told a soul yet, so I need you to keep this between us." 

"Of course." 

"I am pleased because now I will be able to see you and the rest of our friends more often." 

"Where is Elrond sending you first?" 

"The Shire," I say with a twinkle in my eyes.

"Do tell our hobbit friends how we miss them."

"I certainly shall, My Lord."

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