🥀Chapter 16🥀

Start from the beginning

"You kissed someone farashat jamil?"

No I didn't but he didn't need to know any of that.

"Yes and he couldn't take his hands off me" I stepped right in front of him, "what are you gonna do about it?"

He smiled at that, his canines flashing and his eyes burning with unbridled fire.

Not sparing Poppy a glance he grabbed my face and whispered hotly into my ear.

"Someone is going to get hurt my beautiful butterfly" he growled licking the shell of my ear, "but it sure as hell wouldn't be me."

Taking a step back he turned to leave, the students scrambling in different directions to let him pass.

"What the hell was that?"

Funny how I forgot Poppy was right there.

"Nothing" I snapped slamming my locker harder than normal then paused in confusion.

Since when did I feel irritated enough to react, hmmm weird.

"What do you mean nothing, you guys were this close to having hot wild rabbit sex in the middle of the fudging hallway."

Rolling my eyes at her exasperation I side stepped her and headed in the direction of my next class.

"Drop it Poppy."

"Drop it?" she screeched her eyes flashing with something I couldn't quite place, "First it was your generally anti-social attitude, then its your uncanny ability to be a bitch to practically everyone and all of a sudden the same girls I warned you off are somehow now your besties " her voice turned shaky, "and now you're suddenly on an Alexander frenzy, who are you Zuri because now that I think about everything you do is nothing more than calculated. "

"Last I checked I don't answer to anyone" I sent her an icy glare, "that's you included."

At that her expression dropped from upset to downright devastated.

"You know what" she sniffed green eyes glassy, "forget I said anything, you and Rose deserve each other." and with that she stalked off.

Ignoring the slight sting in my chest I rolled my eyes at her retreating form and continued my trek to class.

Taking a seat I ignored the greeting from the weird dude in glasses who made it rather obvious he was crushing rather hard on me if the little cards I found on my table were anything to go by.

Already riled up by the days activities I sent him a rather cold glare and slammed the new card on his desk.

"The next time I find one of these I'll break you like a twig."

Turning pasty white he nodded quickly retrieving the cursed card and shoving it back into his bag pack.

Satisfied my message was passed across loud and clear I settled back on my seat and took out my books when Rose walked into the class flagged by her usual cronies.

On spotting me Sarah perked up and gave me a perky smile as Rose and Kim headed to the back to sit.

Heading towards me she sat her bottom on my table, twirling her hair with a little smirk.

"Rose wants you sitting with us from now on" her eyes scanned her freshly painted french tips (a weakness of hers I noticed.) "you made quite the impression on her after that fiasco in the locker room." she gave me a little wink eyes shining.

I know what you're thinking, why the sudden change of heart but that's the thing about girls like Rose, if they feel even a little bit threatened by someone like in the animal kingdom you either destroy them completely or make them an ally so they don't overthrow you.

Minus Alexander I was a threat she had to make quick work on, and for that she had gained a little bit of respect.

But I'd still kill her though, that's for sure.

"Really" I muttered in disinterest.

"Yeah" Sarah chirped already noting my tone and moving closer, "this is the best news anyone could get here, I mean you're practically royalty now" she gasped for effect, "no one has ever gotten on Rose good graces so quickly."

Eyeing her up and down I could see right through her.

She could see the threat Rose saw in me and imagined I was capable of bringing the almighty Rose to her knees. Sarah was as you can imagine a tired crony who now wanted to rule as queen.

That's the thing about power, give people a taste and they want the whole damn thing.

It's what led to Za's death in the first place.

Being so power hungry all sense of reason goes out the window until everything spirals out of control and someone dies.

Faking a smile I turned and made eye contact with Rose at the back who motioned for me to come over.

Grabbing my stuff I made my way over as Rose gave me a wide smile.

"Hi love" she flashed a smile which judging from Kim's furrowed brows was very unlike her, "you can sit right over here" she motioned to the desk beside her.

"Umm Rose that's my seat" Sarah argued pointing to her Hermes bag perched on the polished desk.

"Not anymore" Rose flashed her a catty smile that dared objection as she grabbed the bag and tossed it onto the floor like it was literal garbage and not a bag that cost an actual arm and leg.

With a huff Sarah grabbed her bag off the floor her shoulders tense and face tight as she moved into the seat beside me without a word.

"Anyway" Rose rolled her eyes as I slid into the seat and settled my bag on the table, "hopefully Sarah over here didn't fuck things up and told you I kinda like you" she eyed me thoroughly disdain behind her appraisal of me, "especially if you can bag yourself the hottest guy in the whole school."


She laughed, something that sounded breathy and painfully bitter.

"No honey, Alexander freaking Al-Thani" she eyed me watching closely for a reaction, "how the hell did you make that happen."


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