In the shower.

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Once my brain starts functioning again, I realize how thirsty I am, and I look for Hisoka.

He is nowhere to be found but I hear the shower so I head towards the sound.

I wonder where Illumi went.  I think as I walk into the bathroom, but I don't have to wonder for long, because they are both in the shower.


My breath catches. Hisoka is gorgeous, I know this and I love the way the water looks streaming down his body.

What I am not expecting is Illumi. During our whole exchange, he was dressed, and I was unable to see how beautiful he is. Seeing them in the shower together stirs up some pretty intense feelings. Torn between jealousy and a fresh arousal, I watch for a moment, heart thundering in my chest.

Hisoka senses my presence, and his eyes dart to me for a split second before he reaches around Illumi and grasps his cock, looking me in the eyes as he does.

Watching Hisoka work him into an erection has my breathing coming out in little gasps. I stay quiet, watching him stroke and tease Illumi until he is rewarded with a small moan.

Only then does he stop long enough to rub some soap on his hands and start again. He keeps eye contact with me as he squeezes and rubs Illumis cock. I have never wanted anyone so much in my life. So when Illumi notices me and offers me a hand, I accept without a second thought.

Thank goodness Hisoka has such an excessively large shower.

 I think to myself as I join them under the hot spray. Illumi still says nothing but he grabs the soap and lathers his hands before passing the soap to Hisoka who repeats his motions.

Then they are both on me. Their slick hands soaping my body almost in sync. When they reach my breasts and begin to caress my nipples I moan and try to reach for them. But Hisoka gives me a look and says

“stay still.♠️”

No argument, no explanation, just an order that I can't do anything but obey. I clench my fists at my sides to keep from reaching out for these two incredibly sexy men, and before long, they finish washing me and we all exit the shower.

I am so disappointed at not being allowed to touch them that I whirl on Hisoka and give him an acidic glare.
He simply quirks a brow and ignores me. I turn the full force of my scowl to Illumi, and as expected, he gives me no inclination that he even noticed. He shares a quick look with Hisoka who smiles darkly and tosses me over his shoulder.

He smacks my ass so hard I squeal and growls “Behave.” before returning me to the bed. The bungee gum he uses to tie me back to the bed is as unyielding as ever, and the position he has me in is far from comfortable.

I am on my back with my arms raised above my head, and my legs are spread so wide that they are almost completely perpendicular to my body. I am shaped like an upside down T and It leaves me feeling very vulnerable and exposed.

The air against my wetness is cold, and I revel in the small chill that runs down my body. Illumi is somewhere out of sight but I watch Hisoka as he runs his eyes down my body.
he purrs before joining me on the bed.

“I almost don't want to share♠️.”

he chuckles as he says it and I brace myself for something, anything, to happen. Nothing does though, and I start to get nervous about why. “What are you-” I am cut off as my gag from earlier returns. I scream in frustration and it comes out muffled. Hisoka chuckles.

I am getting really tired of being laughed at by this man.  I think to myself and I swear Hisoka can read my mind because the smirk he gives me is enough to make my blood boil. Our eyes stay locked for a moment before he leans back on the bed and closes his eyes to wait.

I honestly cannot wait to post the next chapter. SOOOO Im going to post it today!

The Clown's Plaything (HisokaxReader Smut)♠️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ