Open your mouth

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Im trying really hard the get the characters right. Let me know what you thinkkkkk!😘

He is still lost in thought as he uncovers the plate that Illumi brought in with him. I don't smell any food, but my stomach growls all the same and Hisoka chuckles to himself.

He pulls out a plate of sushi and my mouth starts to water. I LOVE sushi, in fact I have yet to find a single variety that I don't enjoy.

He picks up a piece between his long graceful fingers and hands it down to me, I reach for it and he retracts it.

"Ah ah ah.♠️"

He says before lowering it down to me again. I know what he wants, but I am so embarrassed. I look to Illumi for help, and he simply looks disinterested in the whole scene unfolding in front of him.

"Open your mouth." Hisoka orders and my growling stomach gives me no choice but to obey. Sitting on my knees between them, I open my mouth and allow him to place the piece of sushi between my lips.

I moan in appreciation at the flavor and Hisoka’s eyes darken. I cannot tell if he is aroused or angry until I look at the spot in his jeans that is tightening around his growing cock.
He is incorrigible!
 I think to myself. He makes no move to take advantage of me though. He simply carries on a conversation with Illumi as I kneel between them.

Every so often he places another piece of sushi on my tongue until I have had my fill,and there is none left. I begin to get off the floor, my legs have fallen asleep and the discomfort is starting to settle in, but no sooner had the idea crossed my mind, Hisoka is placing a hand on my shoulder.

He is not gentle and his fingers dig into the soft flesh of my shoulder. Defeated, I remain on my knees. 

What seems like an eternity later, Hisoka’s gaze fixed on me, and the heat in it leaves me breathless.
Chuckling to himself, he begins to tug on my shirt as if to remove it. Flushed, I look between him and Illumi and grab the bottom of my shirt to keep myself covered. The shirt is the only article of clothing I am wearing as I have still not been allowed to put my pants back on, and I never even bothered with a bra during my previous escape attempt. I give a little squeak and fight against him. He narrows his eyes and looks to Illumi who still seems uninterested.

“Maybe you are right, maybe the pin would ensure her behavior is more satisfactory.”

I blanche and release my hold on my shirt, fear filling me at the idea of being unable to control my own behaviors.
Yeah, because you have been doing such a good job of it so far.
I scold myself for not having the mental fortitude to tell Hisoka no. He tugs my shirt off, and I lower my head in shame as his eyes rake across me.

Illumi is unbothered, and honestly I don't know if I am more relieved or hurt by this. Hisoka, however, gives a sigh of appreciation and runs his eyes across my exposed breasts.

“Want to see what else she can do?” he asks Illumi, who simply looks at home with disinterest.

“I will never understand your fixation with your playthings.” he says, looking between me and Hisokas growing erection. Hisoka laughs. It's the biggest laugh I have ever heard from him and I stare at him shocked from my place on the floor.

I can't help but smile at his amusement, even though I know it is at my expense. “I like this one.” He says to Illumi with a devilish smirk. “She has spunk. It has been fun breaking her again and again♠️.”

My smile fades and I can feel the acidity in my gaze as I stare at him. “In fact,” he continues disregarding the look I am giving him. “I think we should demonstrate just how well behaved she is.”

With that he crouches so that he can look me in the eyes. “You are going to be a good girl, and you're going to suck both of our cocks. Is that understood?” I blanche, my gaze going to Illumi, who honestly still seems disinterested.

I am all for the idea of being used, shit I even like it, but this man clearly has no interest in me or anything that I can do to him. When I don't answer he leans forward until I can feel his breath on me and smell his scent. "If you play nicely, I will reward you, but if you disobey me, I will just have to give one of Illumi’s pins a try, are we clear?” I can't force my mouth to say any words, so I simply nod. That seems to please him and he stands back up and turns to Illumi who is silent through the whole exchange.

So sorry for the cliff hanger. Im still thinking this one through!!! I hope you like it! Please comment and let me know what you think! Or vote if you like what youve read! It boosts ny fragile ego😂

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