I am not your toy

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Well here we go. 😘

“Mm you're awake.♠️”

There he is again. That strange intoxicating man. I try to yell at him, I try to tell him I don’t want anything to do with him or his lingerie, but I can't. The invisible gag does not budge an inch, not even when I move my jaw and struggle to dislodge it. I scream as much as I can with the gag in my mouth, and he slaps me across the face, this time on the other side of my face.

He isn't as rough as he could be, and I know it. I hate him at this moment, but my body responds. My nipples hardening to peaks, I glare at him with all of the anger I possess.

“Well now,” He coos, “Isn't that a good girl, being quiet now. You look adorable when you're angry with me”

He is close enough that I can see the star and teardrop on his cheeks standing out starkly against his pale face. I am ashamed of my body for responding to him. There is nothing sweet about this man at all, and I know it. I am disgusted and aroused and I love it.

He seemed to notice this change and quirked an eyebrow at me. “Well, well, has my pet decided to behave.” I try to spit at him, but it falls back onto my face and he laughs. I, however am pleased, because it means that the gag isn't impermeable.

He looks at me for a moment, expression unreadable. He leans over me and for a second I think he is going to kiss me, but instead he licks my face where the spit landed. Torn between grossed out and turned on, my expression must give me away because he chuckles darkly and licks the side of my face again.

It should not be legal for anyone to smell as good as he does. He almost smells like a circus, a weird mix of popcorn, and cotton candy that makes him irresistible to me. I breathe him in and he gives me a knowing smile. Leaning over me, I can feel the sticky threads of bungee gum start to loosen from my mouth. “Now, I'm going to take this off, but you have to promise not to scream.” He pauses and adds with a smirk, “Unless of course you are screaming my name. That would be….acceptable♠️” The self assured smile makes me want to punch him in the face, but considering I still have no use of my hands and feet, that seems a little out of the question.
He loosens it completely and I move my jaw around, trying to relieve a little of the stiffness. No sooner than I draw in breath to scream, I can feel something small pressed against my throat.

“Now, now, I wouldn't if I were you.” The sharp edge didn't cut my skin, but I felt the edge of the card digging into my skin, and knew that he wasn't bluffing. The scream died in my throat, and the realization hit me.

I only wanted to scream so he would react.

That thought gives me pause. I love how quickly he thwarts my plans and the idea of giving him a hard time excites me more than I can express.

There is a small part that revels in being told what to do. I obediently close my mouth and he removes the playing card from my throat. 

The Clown's Plaything (HisokaxReader Smut)♠️Where stories live. Discover now