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I am shell shocked, and afraid when I reach up and gently remove the pin.
A small spot of red blooms where it was, and before I can think, Hisoka is on me.

His calm demeanor is gone, and he looks like he is barely keeping himself in control as he kisses me so hard I can feel my lips bruising. He wraps a habd around my throat and moans low in his throat “Mmmmm (y/n) I told you I dont like sharing my toys, and yet you fuck Illumi in my room, without me. That isn't very fair now is it?”

I pull away from him. I am livid and more than tired of him not listening to me. “I am not just some toy. I have feelings and I am not going to let you play with them any more.” I am going to leave when he grabs my hand. “Don't go,” he says.

He looks dejected before saying “ I don't know what I feel, I just know that I hated seeing you with Illumi. I don't want you with anyone but me.” I am not sure if it is enough, but the rejection from earlier eases a little bit and I allow myself to be pulled back into his arms.

The moment is interrupted by my stomach growling, and I realize that I'm starving.

A smirk spreads across Hisoka's face and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and he brings me into his kitchen. This is the first time I have seen his kitchen and I adore it. It's huge first of all, and there is a large island in the center, which he sets me on. The granite is cold on my skin, but I love the feeling, and I love it even more when Hisokas hands begin to wander over my naked body.

My stomach growls again, and he chuckles before moving gracefully away from me to open the fridge. He pulls out some chopped fruit and my mouth starts to water. This doesn't escape Hisokas attention, then again nothing seems to.

He puts the bowl on the counter next to me, and when I reach for it, he grabs my hand, stopping me. My eyes widen and I look at him in confusion. He then picks up a small piece of pineapple from the bowl and I open my mouth.

What is it with this man and feeding me?

He places the pineapple on my tongue and it is delicious. Once I swallow, he rewards me with a kiss. Everything with this man is so sensual, and I could honestly get used to this. I lean and pull a grape from the mix of fruit on the counter and he parts his lips, allowing me to place it between them.

He sighs, even as he grabs another piece of fruit from the bowl. I open my mouth expectantly but he doesn't feed it to me, instead he runs the small piece down the side of my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he follows the fruit with his tongue, licking off the juice.

I never knew eating could be so much fun.  I think a split second before Hisoka pretends to drop the piece of fruit and it lands on my lap.

It is cold between my thighs and I gasp as an evil glint appears in his eyes. He lowers his head to the spot where the fruit landed. I can see now that it's a small piece of melon, and he picks it up with his mouth. Having him so close to the place I want him the most has me gasping, but he pretends not to notice as he grabs another piece of fruit.

This time he places it on my tongue and I chew and swallow. This pattern continues for a while until we are both breathing heavily, and I can feel his cock pressing against me.

This man has more stamina than anyone I have ever met.

I jump off the counter and start back towards the bedroom when he catches me by the hand. The look in his eyes is breathtaking and I stumble a little.

“I want you to be mine, little one.” I stare at him dumbfounded.

“What are you saying?” I ask cautiously. He looks sheepish, which is a weird expression for him.

“I'm saying that you're too...delicious to share and I want you all to myself.♠️”

I continue to stare at him and he quirks a brow in that irritating way he does. “You belong to me, and I want to keep it that way.”

I dont know if I like belonging  to anyone, but I know that the feelings I have for this frustrating man go deeper than just sex, and I am interested in seeing where it goes.

I smile and begin to run. 

I decided to give this Hisoka a little bit of a soft spot for you. I hope you like it. Hisokas normally scheduled program will be included in the next chapter which will be the last!❤

The Clown's Plaything (HisokaxReader Smut)♠️Where stories live. Discover now