In my room!?

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So, Im new to this, but I wanted to say hey and also warn that this entire story is fluff and smut. Also welcome to the world of my Daddy issues. 🤭

I am just leaving the bathroom, hair up in a towel after my shower, and a big t-shirt, my only clothing, when I notice movement in the corner of the room. Sitting in the armchair in the corner, legs crossed and eyes on me, is none other than Hisoka himself. Angry, and embarrassed, I’m too aware of my lack of panties as I put my sternest face on. “What are you doing here?” I demand.

He doesn't answer me, just allows his eyes to roam over my body. I blush but keep my face stern, hand on my hip. “Well? Are you deaf or do you just not have any manners?” His grin widens and he almost looks pleased with himself.

“Such rudeness” he purrs. I can't help but notice his voice is like honey, even with the condescension that practically oozes off of him. “And after I was so...forgiving earlier.” He seems to roll the words around on his tongue, tasting them. He pauses and does another pass down my body with his eyes. I narrow my own eyes and tug the hem of my shirt a little lower, trying to cover as much of my lower body as possible.

“I will say,” he continues “I like this look almost as much as the lace.” He practically undressed me with his eyes, and all I want to do is wipe the smirk from his face.

I chuck the nearest vase at him, throwing all of my weight into it. I wasn't a hunter, nor could I use Nen, but I gave it my best throw and it shattered against his chest.
One of the shards nick his face, right near the corner of his mouth and he isn't even phased. In fact his grin turns predatory and his tongue darts out of his mouth to lick the blood that was drawn when the tiny piece cut him. He seems to purposely slow his usually rapid movements, making eye contact with me the entire time. I try not to stare at the way his tongue traces the cut.

Suddenly I feel a darkening in the aura in the room. The menace that rolled off of Hisokas body was enough to make me want to flee. Like a small animal caught by a hunter, I can do nothing but stand there wide eyed as every cell in my body screams for me to get away from him. Finally shaking off the paralyzing fear, I try desperately to lift my feet and run away, but it is as if I am stuck to the floor by invisible threads of a sticky substance. I can't use Gyo, but I assume it must be his nen that Leorio had mentioned.  He follows my gaze to my feet and grins smugly at me.

“Bungee gum,” he explains. "Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum. I can make it stick to any surface, and release it at my leisure." Lithely, and with a grace that I could never compete with, Hisoka rises from the chair and comes towards me, his expression unreadable. Directly in front of me he stops, and next thing I know I am being knocked to the floor by what can only be described as the worlds hardest slap. I fall and land on the floor, my feet still stuck and I can do nothing but sit there, face stinging, and tears welling in my eyes. He pulls me off the floor, lifting me by the scruff of my shirt.

The bottom of my shirt rides up and I am completely exposed. His eyes are a weird mix of hungry and angry as he takes in the sight, wandering over my body with a hunger that makes me tingle, and fear for my life at the same time. I gasp, and he silences me by covering my mouth with his. There was nothing sweet about Hisoka, not even his kiss. His tongue entered my mouth, and I felt like he was trying to devour me alive. As suddenly as he began, he stopped and dropped me to the floor.

“You're a feisty little plaything aren't you.” His words made me feel things I am ashamed to admit. The shame and embarrassment, paired with the pain excited me in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. “ I can smell how much you enjoyed that.” he taunts. “Quite the little slut aren't we? I'm going to enjoy breaking you.”  Then he is gone and I can move again. I sit on the floor and just stay there for a while, unsure of my own feelings. 

The Clown's Plaything (HisokaxReader Smut)♠️Where stories live. Discover now