"Damn it, Erin, yes," he growls, then his tone softens, "It needs to be her choice. It won't work otherwise."

"And I need you to call me if anything happens that I need to know about," I add, my concern for Ava outweighing the punishment I'm facing.


"Liam, I mean it. You need to call me if anything significant occurs. Promise me."

"Yes," then in a voice barely audible, he adds, "I promise, Erin, I..."

Driving into the garage, and knowing that Alexei has surveillance throughout the building, I cut him off, saying, "I have to go. Thanks." Ending the call, I turn off my phone, not giving Liam an option to call me again.


The ride on Alexei's private elevator to the 30th floor offers me a moment of reprieve to organize my thoughts.

As I watch the numbers on the display tick away, my heart races in anticipation. I attempt to take every thought and feeling I may or may not have for Liam and lock them away tightly into a place neither Alexei nor I can access. Alexei is aware of my past encounters with other men, and even the occasional woman, but I've never harbored any feelings toward any of them—certainly not the compelling pull I constantly experience in the direction of a certain chocolate-eyed werewolf.

I can't explain it. Why him? Why now? Shut it out. Shut him out.

The chime of the doors signals my arrival, and I step out. The eerie silence of the darkened hallway is the perfect aphrodisiac, a cold chill trickling over me, causing my skin to break out into little bumps. Inhaling through my nose, I start the long walk down the polished wooden floor, passing guest rooms, bathrooms, and living areas, finally reaching the staircase that leads to Alexei's private chambers.

Unease begins to pool in my belly as I ascend the stairs one by one, my footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. The grand entrance to his den stands before me, and I step inside. The room is shrouded in shadow, with massive floor-to-ceiling walls of books and soft lighting making it difficult to discern details.

I know where he is, waiting for me in his bedroom. A shiver runs down my spine as I make my way towards his room, feeling a mixture of dread and submission. His deep voice pierces the silence, cutting through my thoughts, "You're late."

Checking my watch, I frown slightly at the realization that I'm only 30 seconds late. "Well, maybe if you left some lights on, I would have been here quicker," I quip, my attempt at humor failing to hide the tension in my voice. I mentally berate myself for digging a deeper hole with my words.

"Semantics. You've disappointed me, Erin." He calls me by my name, not the endearments he usually uses. My stomach drops; I've definitely crossed a line.

Swallowing hard, I enter his bedroom and glance to my left. The breathtaking view of the city below momentarily distracts me, but I quickly shift my attention, my gaze locking onto his figure. He's lounging on a chaise, clad in a dark black robe that seems to absorb all light. I lick my lips nervously as I notice the outline of his trousers, and my cheeks heat up at the thought of what lies beneath. I force myself to maintain my composure, not allowing his presence to fluster me.

"I'm sorry, Alexei. I didn't—" I start to explain, but his sharp tone cuts me off.

"Enough, Erin," his voice is like cold steel, commanding and unyielding. "On your knees."

I inhale sharply, my body obeying his command before my mind fully processes it. I lower my head, my training kicking in as I assume a submissive posture, waiting for further instruction.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant