"Yeah I do. But I'm paying extra for you" he said walking closer. Oh look. We got hood dr.Seuss. I just stared at him.

"Come on. Lay back for this rack" he said grabbing himself. The fuck he keep rhyming for? Stupid ass lil ugly ass nigga. Shut the fuck yo dumbfuck.

"I'm not doing shit witchu" I said standing up. He walked up and got in my face. This nigga is about three times my size. I backed up a little for my own safety.

He lunged at me making me pull out my gun. "I'm not doing nothing with you" he started laughing. This nigga.

"What's that gonna do?" He said walking closer. I backed up and we continued like this until my back hit the wall.

"I paid for you so I'm going to have you" he said reaching for my gun. I ducked and moved behind him. I ran for the door but it was locked. How the fuck do I get out,

"I wanted to do this the easy way. But—" blah blah blah. I just wanna get outtt. I should have stayed my ass with slim. I really love that girl. She's really my safe place. Physically and mentally.

He came charging at me. I shot his arm but that didn't stop him. He came and knocked the gun out my hand. It slid to way over to the couch.

Then he grabbed me by my neck. This nigga acting like I didn't just shoot him. "I'm gon get what I paid for" how is this nigga Taikei just gon sale my body like that.

Is it bad that I'm not scared at all though? I guess I half expect someone to swoop in and save me. Or maybe because all I can think about in this moment is slim. Slim this and slim that. Where is she now? Why isn't she here to save me?

His grip tightened and he literally lifted me up off the ground. I just sat there limp in his hand. Not even fighting back. If I die like this oh well.

I felt my airway closing. I needed air but I wasn't about to fight for it. That would just make me run out of it faster.

"Stop being so damn difficult" he said and threw me onto the couch. Damn just throw me like a sack of potatoes then.

I laid there gasping for air. Tears rolling down my cheeks and everything. "Lay there like a good little girl" he said and started removing his clothes.

I reached under the couch for the gun. Picking it up I aimed it at him and closed my eyes. I really don't wanna kill this man. But if I don't he's gonna rape me.

I don't have the conscious for this mess. I took one deep breath and opened my eyes. "Hey what-" then he knocked the gun out my hands.

I scooted as far away from him as I could get and cried into my knees. "I told you to stop being so damn difficult" he said coming over to me.

He grabbed me by my neck again and started squeezing. "I guess your gonna have to be unconscious for this part"

With that he started squeezing even harder. I could not even gasp for air. My airway was completely blocked. There's no need to fight back. He'd easily over power me.

I felt my eyes closing and my head feeling light then nothing.


I woke up coughing. My throat felt dry and scratchy. Looking to my side I seen him sleeping. I immediately got up and out the bed o my to fall on the floor due to the pain in my legs.

I crawled around the floor looking for the gun. When I found it I just let it spray. I didn't stop til the gun ran out of bullets. Then I just dropped the gun.

I watched as his lifeless body rolled onto the floor and he bled out. I really just killed someone. Is it bad that I care more about his life than him raping me?

Imma be alright though. I wiped my face trying to stop the tears but they just kept coming. Sitting down I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.

I sat there for a good thirty minutes just crying. Gathering myself I grabbed the gun and walked out. Oh my fuck- I really just took someone's life.

Oh how I wish I had slim right now. I think imma disappear for awhile. I'm tired of life right now. I need a break from reality.

A/N: slowly regretting the last chapter 🥲

Slim's POV
3hrs later

Is it bad that I waited for her? No text no call no nothing. The party started two whole hours ago. Now here I am sitting in someone's room because I don't wanna associate with others.

I hit her phone a couple times. More like a hunnid times. Not once did I get a text or call back. I don't wanna assume some shit. I don't even know what to assume though.

Because maybe she just don't wanna deal wimme no more. But maybe she got kidnapped or some shit. Imma just try again tomorrow right now I'm finna leave and go home.

Walking out the room and downstairs I made my way to the bar. Imma grab me a bottle before I leave this shit though.

"Hey lil ma. What can I get you" this dude said. I mugged him. Bitch this a house party. Mmcht I don't even want no liquor no more.

Turning the other way I walked towards the door only to be stopped by some stud. Why can't I just leave. Ugghhhh I'm so fucking irritated.

"You're pretty" she said. Who just approaches someone like that. "Thanks." I said plainly. "You got a name?" Dumbfuck obviously.

"No I don't." I said and moved but she moved in my way. "Woahhh slow down mamas" eww get the fuck outta my way.

I pulled my gun out and pulled her closer by her shirt. Then I put the gun to her stomach. "Get outta my way for you end up onna shirt" then I let her go and she walked away.

I put my gun away and walked out. Getting in my car I sat there for a bit. Iyonna man what the fuck. All I need is a text saying she's okay or some shit. Because if I don't my mind is gonna wander.

I'm not finna go home right now. Starting up my car I pulled off and blasted my music. Just tryna distract my mind from her.

I pulled out my phone and texted her. The shit didn't even deliver. Okay so I'm blocked.maybe she's just done wimme. Hurts to think that but I guess it's my fault.

She wasn't gon wait forever. But she could have at least said the shit or texted it to me. Damn this sucks. I hate the affect she has over me.

Mmcht fuck this shit. Tomorrow imma go find her and she gon say the shit to my face. Hopefully there's another reason behind this.

When I pulled up to my crib her car was there. Well she could have said something. I'm surprised she still has my key. I didn't even give her one. She just stole mine and I ended up getting another.

Walking in I went straight to my room. She was on the bed sleep. I ain't even bother her. I walked to the bathroom and started stripping.

After my shower and other stuff I walked out with a shirt on. I walked over to the bed and started kissing on her face. Which was wet. She'd been crying....why?

"Babyyy" I said kissing on her face still. She groaned. "What's wrong? Why were you crying?" She turned her head the other way and scooted over.

I got in and pulled her ontop of me. Her body was shaking like she was scared or something. "Baby what's the matter" I asked rubbing her back.

She just groaned. We're definitely talking about this in the morning. I rubbed her back as she cried herself back to sleep. It's bothering me but imma let her sleep.


I woke up and she was gone. Nowhere to be found. I checked the whole house. Even blew her phone up. Mmcht I'm finna go find her. She's not just finna cry on my chest then not tell me what happened.


1 more chapter to go🥲

Don't kill me🙂 I'm sorry okayyyyy

I find it funny how I can remember what a 36 chapter Wattpad story is about but not a 2 paragraph passage in school.

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