Chapter 76

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"Gabe, for the last time, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known any of it was going to happen." Eden and Archangel Gabriel were standing on the roof of the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, waiting for the sunrise.

"You were nearly killed again...."

"Gabe, shut it....what matters is that I didn't die and I'm okay. We're both okay...." her voice trailed off as her thoughts drifted back to all of the injuries he had suffered on her behalf.


"No buts about it Archangel." Eden buried her face into his shoulder, breathing in the smell of lavender mixed with vanilla.

"You're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you so don't you forget it." Gabriel was shaking so much that she thought his legs were going to give out. After a few moments of holding each other close, they took a seat, their legs dangling over the edge of the balcony.

The two of them sat in silence as the sky was bathed in a swathe of colors, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.

La Fin

(The End)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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