Chapter 2

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Gabriel had set up a small picnic table in the front yard of his cottage. Eden had dubbed it Archangel Falls, in honor of the babbling brook where she and Gabriel would like to sit and watch the turtles and frogs as they swam about sit in Eden's lap. Gabriel had draped a white tablecloth over the picnic table when he glanced at his watch. Eden would be here any minute. He snapped his fingers, miracling the table to be set with a spread of food ready to be eaten.

Gabriel was just pouring the wine, Eden was getting rather fond of wine now, when he heard someone land rather clumsily behind him. Gabriel couldn't help but smile as he turned, meeting Eden's radiant blue serpentine eyes. "Edie!" Gabriel was nearly knocked over by Eden as she ran to him, embracing her boyfriend in her famous bear hug.

"Hello boyfriend!" Eden beamed up at him with a smirk. Eden Alexandria Queen Fell was wearing a frilly purple dress shirt with a dark gray skirt that touched her knees.

Gabriel was still getting used to the term, "boyfriend". He had learned that it was more than just a dumb human word without meaning, but he had discovered that he was dead wrong. It was a title of sorts, signifying that he and his, "girlfriend" belonged to each other.

Gabriel liked that very much.

Eden still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she now had a boyfriend. A wonderful boyfriend, who called her "Edie", who was so kind, sweet and loving....

"Hello girlfriend." Gabriel chuckled, forcing himself to not glance at her scar. He wasn't going to get upset in front of Eden. Especially not today.

Eden's left cheek was now permanently marked by a slanted line, the mark of the blade that burned with holy fire, leaving a permanent reminder of what Eden had suffered and endured. The scar was several shades darker than her tannish skin, which made it even more noticeable. Eden seemed to no longer be bothered by it anymore, her parents had seemed to come to terms that they couldn't miracle the scar away....

But Gabriel had yet to come with terms with it. He still blamed himself for what happened to Eden.....

"I bet you're hungry." Gabriel said as he took his girlfriend by the hand, leading her to the picnic table.

"Oh Gabriel, you didn't have to do all of this for me." Eden was taken aback by the fancy decor and the impressive spread of food. "Anything for you Eden." Gabriel said as he pushed her chair towards her so she could sit down. "Such a gentleman." Eden cooed as she grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him down towards her, planting a kiss on his lips.

Gabriel felt his knees weaken when their lips met. He really, really, liked being a boyfriend.....

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