Chapter 70

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"Easy, lad. Easy...." Shadwell said as Gabriel sat up suddenly with a gasp.

"What happened?" Gabriel demanded once he finally got his breath back.

"Ya nearly got ya guts clawed outta ya, but Crowley fixed ya up and he and Aziraphale went to go find Eden."

Gabriel suddenly remembered. "Eden! I have to find her, she's hurt-" Gabriel tried to stand up but Shadwell stopped him. "Yer not going anywhere, Master Crowley says you need to take it easy."

Gabriel glared at the Scotsman. "I'm a fucking Archangel, I can rest later. That bastard was trying to tear off her leg and I'm going to make him pay for that!"

Shadwell shot to his feet, "Why didn't you say so, no one does that to my goddaughter and gets away with it!"

"Let me go you son of a bitch!" Eden screamed, kicking at the lion's stone face with her free converse cladded foot. But it was hopeless; her red shoe didn't even leave a smear on the smooth stone.

Ezeqeel and a couple other Watchers tried to reach for her perhaps to attempt to restrain her but she bared her fangs, wincing as they cut into her bottom lip.

"Hands off if you wanna keep em!" Eden spat. She wanted to shift into her true form, she had done it before, but ever since the nightmares and the blue fire.....she just wasn't able to gage her ability to transform, or cast miracles like she used too.

If only she could do it now, she could slip away and fight them all off....Papa though it may have something to do with the trauma she was suffering.

Eden gasped with relief when, at long last, Samyaza released her leg from his jaws. She gripped her wounded leg tightly, it hurt terribly, Samyaza's teeth had bit all the way down to the bone.

"Oh don't look at me like that." Samyaza cooed nonchalantly as Eden glared glarefully up at the lion. "It wouldn't have happened had you cooperated in the first place."

Eden turned back to her leg, wishing she had something to wrap it, there was a lot of blood and she felt dizzy, but she was forcing herself to not pass out. As soon as she saw a chance to escape, she would take it, she had to get to Gabriel.

"Why did you bring me down here?" Eden demanded, her voice tight with pain. She had just realized that she and the Watchers were in the basement of the Louvre, where the old moat was, it was dried out of course, now a walkthrough museum, which she had visited with her parents many times. But why would they bring her here?

"Because this is how we're going to get to Hell, your new home." Samyaza replied, his muzzle twisting into a wicked grin.

"No no no!" Eden shrieked as Ezeqeel and Sarial grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, hauling her to her feet. Eden gritted her teeth as she was dragged painfully several more feet across the moat. She struggled, trying to rip herself away, but stopped when she saw a strange light up ahead.....

There was a gaping hole in the center of the basement floor, glowing with a mix or orange, red and a sickly shade of yellow, the colors swirling around like it was a whirlpool.

"Isn't it lovely?" Samyaza cackled with glee, his tail lashing with excitement. "A portal that will take us straight to the Ninth Circle, where Satan's Ice Palace still remains and it's all mine for the taking!"

"Ladies first." Samyaza gestured with a stone paw and right when Ezeqeel and Sariel were just about to shove her though the portal, Eden fighting and struggling the entire time, everyone froze at the sound of the cries of two familiar voices, "Eden!"

"Daddy! Papa!" Eden, despite the pain and her heart pounding with fear, she smiled, and her smile grew even wider when Gabriel and Shadwell followed soon after.

Gabriel was okay. He was okay.....

Eden's smile was broken when she felt a set of claws sink into her side....she screamed....

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